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what the actual hell is wrong with people. How can someone be so desperate. a channel that gets millions of views a day. how can it have to do this to try and get even more. how far is Logan Paul willing to go for some views.

i respected you because i thought you weren't some dumb fuck like your brother. I realized i was wrong.

on new year's eve, logan uploaded a video going into the suicide forest, talking about how he would see bodies, and how he would not be using this as clickbait. Even though i'm the thumbnail he literally shows the blurred body. Do you know what the definition of clickbait is?

 Do you know what the definition of clickbait is?

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good job logan.

as someone who's cousin has committed suicide and who has actually been in the hospital due to attempted suicide it breaks my heart that he has the courage to go and film someone in the suicide forest and film a man who has committed suicide.

I am writing this in tears. I almost didn't write this because i didn't want this but i needed to rant and I needed people to know.

Your excuse for this was to entertain us every day and yet you felt like you have to show this.

The minute you find a dead person you stop.

you stop the cameras, you cut everything, you be respectful.

you laughed at this man. you laughed at his dark situation.

this isn't some maverick shit.

this is so messed up, you are literally exploiting a man's suicide and his dead

and a man that was so lonely and depressed he had to take his own life. you are exploiting that for views

how are views worth that?

how can you be so desperate? a channel that eats millions of views a day you do this to get more?

you have 15,000,000 followers, how many could possibly be effected by suicide? and with your channel aimed towards kids? how many are scarred for life?

his video got number 10 on trending. Youtube picks their trending. Now Youtube is in the wrong. they are rewarding this horrid behavior. I've lost faith in youtube.

your apology video meant nothing. you should have thought. You deserve no forgiveness and i know you say you don't, but just apologizing means nothing. Your words got so fake at the end and i don't trust you.

i hope your channel burns to the ground. i hope you get banned. i hope you get nothing out of this Logan.

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