chapter 12 - Coach is evil!

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"They call me exotic

dark eyes dark hair tan skin

they call me beautiful

high cheekbones plump lips wide nose

they call me Hispanic and Mexican and latina

"I was born in Canada,"I might say. "Toronto."

but they only call white people Canadian

because that's a prerequisite.

so here I am, when they ask me where I'm from:

caught between two countries like a child caught in divorce

with mom and dad asking me where I want to live

who I belong to





Sara took a huge breath of air as we finished our 5th lap around the field.

"Coach is the definition of evil!" she exclaimed, pointing towards the muscular figure that was sitting on the bleachers, playing on his phone.

I just shrugged and started to stretch, not even panting. She looked at me in disbelief while trying to control her ragged breathing. Sweat dripped from the back of her neck and she quickly wiped it. 

"How are you not tired?" she asked breathlessly.

"What?" I asked and stretched my arm out. 

"You know, tired. When people run too much they get tired," she emphasized. My eyes widened slightly and I hunched over, making my breath be in huge gulps.

She rolled her and started stretching along with me. "You are very mysterious Arden," she told me as the coach blew his red whistle. 

Man, and here I thought my acting was Oscar-worthy. 

"Now that you ladies have finally finished your laps, we can finally do some exercises!" he yelled as he started walking towards the field. 

"Evil!" Sara whispered to me as we started walking towards Coach, along with some other students.

I let out a small laugh and stopped once we were at a safe distance. "We will be doing a series of workouts to keep your heart rate going. Apparently, it's one of the 'school standards' that I have to teach you," He yelled, using quotations and mimicking our principals' voice.

"Trust me, I would rather play a good game of football instead of playing hopscotch," Coach finished and reached for his clipboard and pen.

"We will be doing boys and girls so that you guys could see the difference between genders. Your teacher will pick your teams..." He read on the page and scanned it for a few more seconds.

"Blah blah blah," he started and put the clipboard down, scanning the crowd.

"He sounds like Dracula," Sara giggled and I slapped my hand over my mouth to stop from laughing.

Coach smirked as he thought of the different pairs of people he would choose.

Sara glared at the coach and put one hand on her waist. "He should be fired," she told me and I nodded in agreement.

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