Management B

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It's five thirty and I have to be up at 9 for work. I have no proofread. Will proofread later.xx

Harry POV

I think I'm the only one who saw Liam's tears welling as he walked passed us. You could also tell in his voice how overwhelmed he was. Instead of the steady and smooth rhythm that was his normal voice, it was meek and fragmented. I want to help him, but I know that if I reach out to him my heart will be on the line and I just can’t do that. The conversation I just had with management was bad enough. My heart swelled when Liam had the boys leave the room, even if I wasn’t in love with him, I would be forever grateful for how perfect he is.

“So Harry, what’s going on that’s so bad that you can’t tell the lads about it?”

“Erm, well, I don’t want to make it weird for us”


“Erm, I just don’t really know what to do”


“I’m gay.” I choke out, almost wanting to reach into the air and grab the words, to keep them to himself again. I mean, Louis knew, but he’s never actually said the phrase before.

“Okay, what do you want to do about it?”

“What?” I have to admit, I expected someone to yell at me or hand me a contract swearing me to my heterosexuality or something.

“Do you want to tell everyone? Do you want to tell the boys? Do you have a boyfriend? Most importantly, if you’re gay, why are you flaunting ladies around town?”

“Erm, to put it bluntly, I was trying to “fuck away the gay” I look down trying to avoid eye contact, surprised when I hear a boisterous laugh coming from the man sitting across from me. If it wasn’t for the grin on his face, I’d be scared he was having a heart attack the way he was heaving around.

“Fuck…..away…the… gay….Oh God….Harry….”

“I know, I’m stupid”

“You’re not stupid” he says seriously finally managing to stop laughing long enough to answer. “You’re scared, that’s normal. We’re not here to judge you, we’re here to help you through it. Just, when media does ask you ‘what about the girls?’ it’s not appropriate to answer

‘to fuck away the gay’. Just a warning in case you didn’t already know.”

“Thank you. I just needed to tell someone. I don’t know if I’ll tell the boys. I’ll let you guys know”

Then I got out to walk out the door, closing it behind me when Liam brushes past me in this hurry. I catch the tears, but he was gone again before I got to ask. Now he’s here, I’m almost sure crying into the backseat as my fingers are tingling with the sensation of getting to touch him. We reach the apartments and everyone piles out the car except for Liam and I. Before Louis jumps out, he gives me a knowing look, getting a middle finger salute in the process. Jackass.

I look down at Liam, I tried to be nice today because I know there’s something up, I just don’t know what.

“Liam, Liam, mate, come on”


“We’re at the apartment”

“Oh, thanks.”

“No problem.” I say, getting out the van waiting for him to get out. I don’t want him to fall and not have anyone to catch him.

“Thank you for everything today Harry. Seriously” He says, looking into my eyes and I swear I feel my heart stop for a second before I pull him into a hug. He stiffens at first but then relaxes into my grip. I hear him sigh. I seriously wonder what’s happening with him.

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