Clueless [Analogical]

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Based off of a tumblr thing from the blog sides-of-a-sunset. I just had to write it.

"Logan, I need help," Anxiety said, fiddling with his thumbs and standing next to Logan's desk.

"What can I help you with, Virgil?" Logic asked, turning his chair so he was face to face with Anxiety.

"I've been trying to tell this person that I like them, romantically that is, for the past few months but they haven't noticed at all," Virgil complained, trying to tell Logan that it was him with his eyes.

"Really? Months? They don't sound particularly observant," Logan said, much to Virgil's dismay.

Virgil groaned internally and decided to try again. "They're actually really smart. Just a little bit dense, is all."

"Perhaps you need to take the more obvious rote. You could try telling them that you love them," Logan suggested, turning back to his desk and immediately typing at his computer again. Virgil looked at him for a moment before speaking up again.

"And you're sure this will work?" He asked even though he didn't really doubt it himself. Logan couldn't really be that dense, could he?

"Well, I cannot guarantee it will work because some people may assume you are talking about platonic affections, but it is at least worth the try."

Virgil took a deep breath in and pulled his sweatshirt sleeve over his hand. He could do it. "I guess you're right." Virgil looked at Logan, who was still typing away at his computer, "Hey Logan, I love you."

Logan paused his typing and turned his head slightly to look at Virgil. "Yes, Anxiety. Just say that exact phrase and it should work."

"Holy fucking shit," Virgil mumbled, both aggravated and shocked. He couldn't believe one man could be this dense.
"Although, if that approach doesn't work we can find a different way. I can-"

"Oh my god-"

"-think of one other option. It doesn't seem to be something you would want to do, however."

"Oh, and what is this other option?" Virgil asked, trying to make it the least snarky sounding as he could.

"You could just kiss them. If they don't get it then, I'm afraid they are a lost cause, Virgil," Logan finalized. He want back to typing for whatever he was working on. Virgil stood there listening to the fast clicks for a moment before he decided now was the only time he was going to be able to do this. Logan wasn't going to get it any other way.

So he spun Logan around in his chair and kissed him on the lips.

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