School Troubles [Logicality]

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Fluffy a little bit? This is based on the idea that Logic is a teacher with Morality's kids in his class and he calls Morality in because the kids were bad and Logic realizes how gay he is because I love that.

Since Morality and Anxiety don't have Canon names yet, here are their names in this story:

Morality: his real name (PATTON)

Anxiety: his real name (VIRGIL)


Logan sighed once again, annoyed at the children who were continuously bickering while he was trying to teach a valuable lesson.

"This is the final warning for both of you. Next time you interrupt my classroom I'll be calling in your father," Logan warned, glaring at the two boys who had momentarily stopped bothering each other. Both of them acknowledged Logan and sat with their hands in their laps.

Logan turned around to continue his lesson. He taught the students about distribution and how Algebra works for a short while before it happened again.

"That's it! Both of you, after school. I'll be notifying your father that you will need to be picked up and we will have to talk about your behavior," Logic demanded, looking at Roman who had now begun to mutter under his breath. Logan didn't need to hear it know it was that Roman was upset that Virgil got them into this mess.

Logan pinched the bridge of his nose and finished his lesson.

"Any questions?" He asked the rest of his students. He paused for a few seconds until he saw no one raise their hands. He turned and walked to his desk, grabbing the homework he had assigned for tonight. He began to pass the papers out and he could here the majority of students groan.

"Here is your homework for tonight since we finished our lesson early even with trouble students, you will be able to work on it in the last few minutes of class." Logan paused at Roman and Virgil. "You two, my desk, now." He said, then continued passing out papers. He heard their chairs move and awkward footing which made him assume that Roman pushed Virgil. He sighed once more before returning to his desk.

"Now, I've warned you several times this week before I told you I was calling your father. Why did you keep arguing with each other when I was trying to teach a lesson?"

"Well-" Virgil started before getting cut off by the bell.

Logan paused, waiting for the bell to finish ringing before telling Anxiety to continue.

"Well, Mr. 'I'm so great and can do anything I want' over here keeps on bothering me while I was trying to take notes so I bothered him back."

Logan looked at Roman, silently asking if this is true. Roman nodded his head yes.

Logan rolled his eyes and got his binder full of parent contacts and flipped to the 's' section.

He dialed the number. It picked up after the third ring.

"Hello!" Came the cheery voice over the telephone.

"Uhm, Hello. Is this Mr. Patton Sanders?" Logan asked.

"Yes, it is! Are you calling about Roman and Virgil?"

Logan side glanced at the two students sitting at a table. "Unfortunately, yes. They were interrupting my class today several times after I gave them warnings."

"Again?" Patton sighed. "I'll  be coming in, then?"

"If that is plausible, then yes."

"I should be able to get there 20 minutes after school ends, I assume they will be serving a detention as well?" Patton asked.

"Yes, I have them serving one right now."

"Okay, I'll see you then!"

"Thank you, goodbye," Logan replied and hung up his phone. He took out some papers to grade and made sure Virgil and Roman were reading before looking through them.


When there was a knock on the classroom door, Logan hadn't looked up. He wanted to finish trading this paper first.

I'm his peripheral vision, he saw the person walk to his desk. Once he finished reading that final paper, he moved to put them all away. As he was doing that, he began speaking.

"Sorry about that, I just wanted to finish that paper. It's nice to meet you, despite the circumstances. I'm-" Gay. So incredibly gay. Unbearably gay. Amazingly homosexual. Not straight in any way possible.

Logan didn't even realize what has happened when he looked up- his mind was plagued with thoughts about the man in front of him. There wasn't anything off about him he just gave Logan this... feeling. Logan couldn't very well tell what it was but he knew that his stomach was slightly... upset?

"Did you forget your name?" The man asked and started laughing at his own joke.

Logan's mouth went dry as he gaped it at the other man. He shook his head as if that could help his situation.

"I'm Logan," He finally let out, after Patton calmed down his laughter and Logan could actually process things.

"Hey Logan, I'm Patton! Anyway, what should we be talking about my kids for?"


As they were leaving the school, Virgil and Roman trailer behind their father to talk.

"Do you think it worked?" Virgil asked, sounding extremely worried.

"It totally did. Did you see the look on Mr. Sanders's face when he saw Dad? Priceless. He's practically in love already."

Roman held out his hand for a high-five, which Virgil decided to give in to, slapping Roman's hand as hard as he possibly could.

"Ow! Virgil you bas-" Roman stopped himself when he saw his father looking back at him with a glare. "Bashful little dork."

Roman laughed uncomfortably while Virgil only smirked.

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