I thank her and then walk towards the room where the girls would currently be.

"Missed me?" I ask as I stand in the door frame, suitcase next to me. The three of them are watching a movie.

Their heads snap up at me as Safaa directly runs over hugging my leg tightly. I pick her up swiftly and hold her close to me.

I've grown so attached to this little girl in my arms. You can't imagine how much I missed her and will miss her. The yelling, the whining, the always getting what she wants but especially all her positive traits.

"Zayn was such a jerk without you." She whisper in my ear and then giggles in my neck at the use of her bad word. She must've gotten it from Waliyha.

I smile feeling quite good about myself, knowing Zayn is different when I'm not around. Different in a negative way. I must've gotten a good influence on him than I guess?

I put Safaa on her feet again and then go over to Waliyha and Doniya who also greet me with a hug.

"Lets have a girls night." Doniya suggests. Safaa smiles proudly at the mention that she's also one of the 'older' girls today.

"Yeah, it can be a welcome back thing for Abby and a goodbye for Doniya." Waliyha says.

I almost forgot that she'll leave again tomorrow. It's really nice to have a girl like her around eventhough I missed a few days with her. Since we're close in age and she's got some life experience already it's handy to go to her for advice. I'll miss that.

"Okay." We all agree to Waliyha's preposition.

This is my first real girls night and I must admit it's exciting.


All the girls are asleep by now. I already brought Safaa to her room, but bringing Waliyha and Doniya would be to difficult. I laugh at myself at the stupid thought.

I hear the front door shut and I quickly walk towards it hoping it's Zayn coming home. But to my surprise Aron is standing there right in front of me. Frustration is clear on his face.

"Aron? It's 1 am, what are you doing here?" I ask confusedly.

"You've got to come, something's up with Zayn." He motions towards the door as I feel myself becoming more confused. What is he talking about?

"Aron, what happened?" I walk towards him laying my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "You can tell me."

"He's losing control, you have to come with me." He pleads again, he's in a rush. In his eyes I can see that whatever's going on with Zayn, it's bad. 

"Give me one minute." I quickly run up the stairs and throw on a sweater along with my skinny jeans and a pair of Converse.

I pull my hair in a pony tale while running down the stairs towards Aron. I don't know what's happening there but I'm about to find out.

"Doniya, I'm back in a few minutes." I yell, hoping she'd wake up from it.

I close the door behind me, slipping the key in my pocket.

While we drive Aron taps against the steering wheel impatiently. It makes me nervous and him not talking to me makes it worse. I retrieve my phone from my pocket and decide to text Doniya in case she didn't hear me.

It looks like hours have passed by when we finally stop in front of a club filled with people. In the front yard, on the balconies, just everywhere. This looks like a scene from the movies to be honest.

Aron gets out in a second and runs around the car opening the door for me. Even in a hurry and stress situation he doesn't lose his manners.

"Thanks. Where is he?" I ask looking around to maybe find him sitting somewhere. I have missed him this weekend and that mixed with my worries for him now, makes me more desperate to see him.

The Nanny - Zayn Malik | ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن