"Please, sit," he said. 

Clary walked forward before turning back around. "Our friends, Jace Wayland and Magnus Bane. They were with me, but I lost them in the fire," Clary told the warlock. Everest sat down next to Clary. 

"Let me do this my way!" Ragnor exclaimed looking at the chair again.  Both Clary and Everest glanced at each other, questioning the sanity on the warlock. "Your friends, are they true?" he asked.

  "Magnus said he's known you for centuries. He sent you a fire message," Clary explained. 

"This is not an act. It is not an act! It is essential," Ragnor said. 

"Okay, what is your deal?" Clary exclaimed.  "My friends are missing and if you can't help me, I'll find someone who can."

Everest looked around the room feeling as if something was wrong here. "What is it worth to you?" Ragnor asked. 

Everest stood up walking towards the chair before looking back at the warlock. "If you find my friends and wake our mother, I'll give you anything,"

"That's what I like to hear," he said. He turned towards Everest looking at him almost as if he's waiting. 

Clary looked back at Everest to find that he was staring back at the warlock. "You know the way you were arguing with that chair, it almost seemed as if there was actually someone sitting there," Everest explained. 

"Are you calling me crazy," Ragnor asked. 

"No, Your not crazy, just someone who likes to play games," Everest responded. 

"What?" Clary asked. 

"They're in the room, they have always been in this room," Everest responded.

Ragnor smiled childishly. "Well done, Everest," he exclaimed. He lifted his arms. Everest jumped back as Magnus appeared right in front of him. Jace on the other side. 

"Honestly, Ragnor, was that nonsense necessary?" Magnus asked.

"Of course. She offered me anything, you were only up to a timeshare of your flat in Paris. Plus, it was fun to see what all the fuss Everest Fairchild carried around him, was all about," He responded. 

Everest looked at him. "What fuss," he asked. 

"Your powers, of course," Ragnor responded back with a smile. Everest looked at him in disbelief that he knew about it. There were only a few people, people he trusts, that knew about. There is no way that this warlock could have heard it from someone else. 

"How did you..." Everes asked. 

"Your mother. She knew about it from the start," he said gently. 

Everest looked away, shaking his head. She knew and she still chose to hid it from him. Something this important shouldn't have been kept from him. Something thing that made him above the status quote of the Shadow World. Or below depending on how he got his powers. "Just, can you really wake up our mother?" Everest asked as he took a deep breath. 

"Not without the book of the white," he responded.

"What is the Book of the Whites," Jace asked. 

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