"Where did you even get that picture?" Jessica asked her, and she gave her a creepy smile in return.

"So you want to know the ways of a Brianna, eh?" She asked like an old witch. "You've come to the right place, my dear." 

Jessica hid behind Matt as Brianna cackled evilly. Alois gave you a confused look.

"Who are these peasants? I know that one already, but what about the rest?" He asked, pointing at Matt, Brianna, and Jessica.

"Don't call them 'peasants,' unless you're talking about yourself," you replied calmly.

"Sick burn!" Matt and Brianna said in unison as Jessica kept her calm smile. 

"Anyways, the black-haired guy is Matt. I thought I said his name already, but whatever. Behind him is Jessica. She's a sweetheart." Jessica blushed and waved shyly at the two males

"You know Austin already, the little cinnamon roll, and next to him is Brianna, the one that changes her crush so much that she's over one thousand."

"Really?" Brianna asked, looking up from her phone. 

"I don't know, I lost track awhile ago," you replied with a shrug. She looked at you, confused.

"I thought I was on my 342nd crush, but whatever you say," she replied, and went back to her phone, typing something in. No one questioned her when she giggled a second later.

"Uh, so yeah. This is my little group of friends," you concluded with a smile. "Any questions? Please, raise your hand."

"Who's the most insane out of all of you?" Ciel asked, not bothering to raise his hand.

"I would say..." you started, not seeing the four friends pointing at you. "Me."

"I don't think she's insane!" Alois exclaimed, horrified on the others' opinions about you. He hugged you from behind, draping over you like a cat.

"Are you sure he's human? He looks like a cat lounging on a piece of furniture," Brianna asked, putting her phone away. You nodded.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that he's human..." you replied cautiously. You exchanged glances with Austin, who just winked at you and gave a shy smile. 

You grinned. This was going to be a pretty eventful day...

Surprisingly, you had more classes with Ciel than Alois, who proceeded to complain about it all through first period. When the teacher asked him politely to stop, he snapped at her, driving that teacher to send him to the principal's office.

Reminder, this was all throughout first period. Ciel just rolled his eye, calling it while you face palmed. However, Alois had different plans for you, and grabbed you by the arm.

"I'll take her with me, thank you~" he said, walking out of the door. The teacher just stared at him with shock and Ciel felt lonelier than ever.

"Why are you taking me?" You asked him, and he just winked at you. 

"I have my reasons!" He replied merrily, smiling at you like a child seeing all the presents underneath the tree on Christmas day. 

You wisely decided not to question him as you reached the office. Opening the door, some employees looked at you with stern looks. 

"Hello, we're here to see the principal. Well, mostly him," you said, pointing towards the giggling blonde that was clinging to your arm. The lady at the desk nodded. 

"Go into the door on your right," she replied sternly. You nodded, a little nervous on seeing the principal again. You've seen her multiple times, but you wouldn't call yourself the troublemaker. More of the joker or class clown.

You walked into the room where the principal resided in, the room getting chillier with her cold gaze on the two of you.

"Fancy seeing you here again, miss (Y/n)," she said sarcastically. You laughed nervously.

"Yeah, you too. But I believe I am here because a certain someone dragged me here," you replied with an annoyed expression. She nodded. 

"I am fully aware of that. Please, do take a seat both of you. I believe your name is... Alois Trancy, is that right?" She asked, adjusting her glasses and looking at Alois.

"Yes, Alois Trancy. I know fully well why I am here," he said with authority. Wow, he's better behaved than I thought. Maybe he changed? You asked yourself. "Of course, I dragged (Y/n) here to strike a deal with you."

Ha ha, maybe not, you thought, a "I-am-so-done-with-this" expression on your face. The principal's eyebrow raised.

"Oh? Please go on," she said calmly. If it were you, you would just suspend him, but everyone is unique in their own way. 

"I will not have anymore outbursts as long as (Y/n) is in my class. In short, I will behave if you change my schedule to the exact same thing as (Y/n)'s schedule," he bargained, a smile that represented evil itself crawled onto his face. 

The principal thought long and hard. She had to see many students for good and bad reasons, but mostly bad. This could clear some time for her.

"It's a deal," she said with a smile. "It'll be changed tomorrow. For now, please go to the classes you are assigned."

"Yes, thank you. I will try and stay on my best behavior," he replied happily, standing up. Grabbing your arm, he tugged you up, earning a small yelp from you. 

"Wait, I need to talk to you (Y/n)," she said in an authoritative tone. You gulped, wondering if you were in any sort of trouble. "Please go back to class, Trancy."

He left the room without a word, but you had the feeling that he wasn't gone. You sighed, and faced the principal.

"I have a few questions for you," she said in a calm voice. "Please, do sit down."

You obeyed quietly, not wanted to get into trouble. She smiled, and said, "what is mister Trancy to you?"

"Just a friend," you immediately responded, not too quick but not too slow. She nodded, and smiled at you.

"I think he's seeing you as more than a friend," she replied. "Does he have any mental illnesses?"

"He's bipolar, and has separation issues. I guess he latched onto me," you replied with a shrug. A silence crossed between the two of you, and she nodded once more. 

"You may leave now."

Opening the door, you looked to your right to see Alois standing there, a bored look on his face. When he saw you, he immediately hugged you.

"You're back!" He said excitedly as you quickly exited the room. "I've been waiting."

"Are you really going to keep calm for the rest of the day?" You asked him. He shrugged.

"I don't think so, I was saying that to get away from that old hag," he replied rudely. 

She was actually quite the opposite of a hag in your eyes. She was curvy and quite busty, and had smooth skin. She usually wore quite revealing things. However, she seemed to be the type that only cared about her work, and no one's feelings.

"Please be on your best behavior, I beg you!" You cried, becoming dramatic. You didn't want to be sent to the principal's office again today, all because of a clingy little kitten. Making your best pleading face, Alois seemed to buy it.

"Fine, but what do I get as a reward?" He purred, smiling at you and moving closer to you. 

"Uh... I don't know! A kiss?" You blurted out quickly, uncomfortable with how close he was to you. Ever since the talk with the principal, it seemed to have stuck with you.

Alois thought about it. That doesn't seem too bad, he thought, unconsciously smiling at the thought. "Sounds like a deal."

This is a CATastrophe! (Black Butler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now