**New Book! (+other random stuff)**

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New year, new book!

Check it out! :V

In this book, I'll give you questions and you have to answer them

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In this book, I'll give you questions and you have to answer them.

This will be fun to do >:V

Anyways, I changed my profile pic. Me and KittyFluxo had an art trade and she drew this for me...

ITS IT CUTE?!!!! I really like cartoonish art styles like these ones

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I really like cartoonish art styles like these ones. And if you do, you should check out more of Kitty's work :V

BTW, I'll be back to school from my holiday break in less than 48 hours. :,V

I dont want to go back to school yet...
(1) I still haven't done most of the things that I'm supposed to do
(2) We also have an upcoming test around next week
(4) Interacting with humans in school just drain me (except for my friends cuz they're cool)

So in order to get my mind off this thing for a bit... Let's play this game

YAY TORI TRANSLATE (sorry, inside joke

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YAY TORI TRANSLATE (sorry, inside joke...)

My native language is Filipino. So send me any English word (OR A SENTENCE) and I'll do my best to translate it to Filipino.

A little secret: I actually don't know or forget some of the English translations of some Filipino words.... So yeah... This will be interesting.

My Art and Randomness (2-in-1) (book 2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu