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Go and listen to that song cause it's BadA$$ and I think it suits what I feel right now

Wattpad used to be my hidden sanctuary...

My small world of escape...

...Until THEY took that away from me

I'm probably being dramatic, but this is what I feel.

You're probably lost right now. Let me explain...

About a year ago I told my friends my Wattpad account

Cause I know they'll never read my books. And as long as they don't do that, I'll be fine

And now a new girl came along and joined our group (let's call her Silent)

There are other things that happened during the time Silent came around, but I don't wanna talk about that.

So one my my friends told Silent my Wattpad account

Without my consent

TBH, I don't really trust Silent that much yet, even tho she joined our group and seemed to be close with my other friends.

I just wished they asked me first before giving Silent my Wattpad account.

Then... Silent started reading my stories.

And that made me scared

Cause there some things that I haven't told them yet that are written here

During lunch time... After we were done eating...

I was so surprised when she asked who my second crush is (She was probably talking about Christian which BTW isn't my confirmed as my crush. And he really isn't. No, I'm not interested with him. He's just annoying)

FYI I havent told any of my friends about that so they have no idea what's going on

And now they know

Thanks a lot for that! ^__^

That scared me, you know? If she can tell my friends, she can tell other people

About what I post here

And then the conversation shifted to my Wattpad account.

And they started talking about my stories

I was kinda uncomfortable but I didn't show it.

They started talking about my books with pony covers on it

And they laughed at the fact that I like MLP


Ok, I get it. It's a childish show. it's for kids. It's way too immature and sh!t

Well shut up. You don't need to make fun of me for it.

Wait. Hmm? That was just a joke? What? I shouldn't take it seriously and it's a friend thing?

That's your excuse? ...well F*ck off

Have I ever made fun of you for liking Korean stuff? Have I ever judged you for that?

...No. Right?

Well then, dont make fun of what I like either.

Ok, maybe I'm being taking this too much... Maybe I'm being dramatic... Maybe I'm a b!tch

But be sensitive, please?

You also joked that they're going to spread my account and tell other people about it

I know it's just a joke...and you'll probably never do that

But it scared me

And for that, I need to mute you in Wattpad

I can't go on and keep thinking that you can possibly spread people about my supposed to be secret sanctuary.

My little world of escape...

I'm sorry Silent... But you can't keep reading.

This is where my story ends, for you. =)

*deep breathing*


Don't worry guys, I already did what I need to do. I'm back to confidentially updating my chapters without worry again!


Yay =)

"I'm sorry. The old Tori can't come to the phone right now..."



"Cause you don't deserve it..." *click*

My Art and Randomness (2-in-1) (book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin