>Art Trade with KittyFluxo<

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Art trade with KittyFluxo
I had fun doing this one! ^_^

She's blushing! >/////<
And yeah, I changed her jacket colors...

Isn't she a cutie? :3This took about an hour to do

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Isn't she a cutie? :3
This took about an hour to do. And that is actually fast for me since this is colored and shaded a bit. (It usually take me two hours to finish a full colored piece even if it's just in my cartoonish style)

Yesterday, I played Disney Infinity with my dad and it was sooooooooo fun. (I played as Asoka and she was BADASS AF)

My dad let my little cousins play too and they TOTALLY didn't whoop my butt and defeated me many times :,V

There is so much to explore in that game and I'm looking forward to get to play it more!

This won't be my final chapter yet! I'm still planning to post another chapter today.

My Art and Randomness (2-in-1) (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now