unedited 12//

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(I have a lot of time so here is another chapter, Lmao I hope this inspiration lasts for a long time my laziness mighr come back)

Chapter 12:

He slammed his forehead on the ground. My eyes widened when he kept repeating the same action again and again until blood dripped down.


This was the first time I have ever seen a grown man ever do this willingly, it felt strange and uncomfortable.

"Madara-hime I promise I would follow your every command."

My eye twitched. What does he think a five year old girl could do?
But then again, I know I am much older than a five year old...much older than what I seem to appear like.

I sigh. "Fine, tell me before I change my mind."

In other's eyes this must look quite pathetic, the dominant being the younger one and the submissive one the older one.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

"Madara-hime, I want you to bring peace to the senju and uchiha clans."

I stare at him with a look of disbelief, all of these things, these drama, these waste of time conversations.

All to ask me to do something I was already planning to do from the very start?

I sighed and ran a finger through my hair.

"Madara-hime you seem mature for your age."

"Age does not mean the level of maturity."

I turned around and banged my head on the nearest tree.


This was strange, in my past lifetime not a single one of my clan members ever wanted to ally with the senju.

They were repulsed by the thought.

And yet, here, a man. Who wants to ally with them.

Was there something I'm missing?

"Okay." I mumbled out, I was already planning to do that from the start after all.

He sighed in relief. "I will give my life to you!"

"Um, no thanks I don't really want your life - just what kind of benefits could I even get from that?" I yawned. "There are still a few people on my trail, tell them you weren't able to catch up to me - I'm a bit hungry after wasting time talking to you - bring me some dango if you could."


To try and take some things out of my mind I exited the Uchiha grounds.

Too many crazy, bizarre things seemed to happen today. And of course , the first living being I saw outside after some walk was, Hashirama. Trouble after trouble after trouble.

Was this fate's cruel joke on me?

"Do you always spend your time here?"

Startled he fell down.

I raised an eyebrow as I crossed my arms. "Everytime I decide to exit my clan grounds you're here - do you not have anything better to do?"

"I could say the same for you!"

I opened my mouth to retort but stopped when I noticed the tear streaks on his face. "Oh, you've been crying?"

"N-No!" His voice cracked.


"Is it about the girl again?"

It was silent for a moment until he nodded his head.

"She..After I confessed she started to distance and leave me.. I-I should've never---"

I rolled my eyes. So it was love drama. I should have known.

It's funny how Hashirama never told me of this little crush he had when he was younger.


"Promise me, M-Madara."


"Promise me you w-won't leave me either."

I sighed.
"Of course I won't, Hashirama."

Brothers in arms, wasn't that what we agreed in the last life?

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