(unedited) 4 // introductions

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Chapter 4: (Unedited)

''Why are you crying?'' I asked the brunette boy when I started to get closer, now in his field of view.

His back tensed up and now he was alert, he turned to me with a kunai in his hand, but once he did I saw his red eyes obviously because of his crying.

I don't think I've ever seen Hashirama cry like this.
''It--It isn't any of your business!''

I shrugged.
''Well it's my business now, it's not everyday that you see a boy crying in the middle of a forest vulnerable to any attack.''

He slightly glared at me.
''Hey! I may not look like it, but I'm really strong.''

I huffed, oh I know.

''Just tell me what's wrong.''

''If I tell you, you'd laugh at me.''

I shook my head.
''I won't, I promise, now tell me.''

He looked away and mumbled something that not even my ninja senses could hear.

''What?'' I asked, trying to get him to speak louder.

He mumbled something again, this time I made sure to enhance my hearing with chakra, but even then I couldn't understand a word he said.

''Are you actually saying something or are you trying to give me the ability to read lips? If so, it isn't working.'' I told him, annoyance clear in my voice.

He sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes.
''The girl I liked rejected me.''

I blinked once, then twice, then thrice, and looks like I wasn't able to keep my promise after all.

I started to laugh, my jaw hurt since it's been a while since I did, but before I knew it laughter was heard in the air.

''You promised you wouldn't laugh!'' He exclaimed and went into his gloomy corner.

''Did I? Well promises are meant to be broken.'' I told him, breathing in deep breaths to regain myself. ''Anyways, why are you crying over such a small matter?''

''It's not small!'' Hashirama yelled out as he looked away. ''She told me she's in love with my brother.''

''Well seeing as though your fashion sense can resemble that of a monkey's---wait no, even a monkey has more fashion than you.'' I told him.

''What? I think I look great!'' Hashirama said as he clenched his fist and pointed it at me.

''Are you going to punch me?'' I asked continuing to stare at that fist.

''Well No, I will never punch a woman!'' He exclaimed.

''Then put the fist down, because I never made any promises to myself to never punch a man.''

As he put his fist down, he stared at me, tears now gone.
''For a girl, you're scary.''

''Tell me something I don't know.''

He blinked at me and sat on the ground.
''If you keep acting like that you'll never get married.''

I closed my eyes too and crossed my arms, remembering the Hyuga clan.
''Well you're wrong then, after all, I'm engaged.''

I didn't know what happened to him but he started to choke on air.
''W-What? Oh no, that's terrible!''

I sighed.
''I know.''

''I'm not concerned about you! I'm concerned about the guy you're getting married to, poor him, having to put up with you.'' He said with a look of concern on his face as he stared up at the sky.

''Why You--!'' I clenched my fist and slowly narrowed my eyes on him, he only shrugged in response.

''Well, I'm Hashirama, how about you?''

I bit my lip, wondering if I should tell him my name right now.
''I'm not telling you.''

He gaped at me, mouth slightly open.
''W-What? But why!? I told you my name so you should tell me yours.''

I raised an eyebrow.
''By what rules?''

''The rules of manners!''

''Never heard of it.''

We both stared at each other--well, if you can call it that, Hashirama was giving me this dark look while I gave him a look that simply doesn't care.

''Your parents raised you wrong!'' Hashirama exclaimed and pointed a finger at me.

I looked him up and down.
''Your parents raised you wrong as well.'' Just as he said that, I think he knew what I meant.

''Y-You're saying that as if I'm hideous!''

''Hideous is....a tame word to describe you.''

I looked up, now realizing that the sun was starting to set, and if my calculations are correct my father would've realized I'm gone by now, I'll just use a new excuse, and I need to get back.

I nodded at Hashirama and then I started to walk away.

''You aren't going to tell me your name?'' Hashirama asked in disbelief staring at  my back.

I stopped in my tracks and looked back at him one last time.

''It's Madara.''

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