“As you wish, Your Highness.”

       The security was tight. They constantly saw soldiers roaming the streets and stopping suspicious looking passerby.

       “Ron, Mr. Milestone, don’t you think they already have posted wanted pictures of you? Someone might recognize you.” Mikhaila whispered under her hood. She was forced to hide her face because her appearance stands-outs especially her blonde hair.

       “Her Highness is right, Ron. What will we do?” Mr. Milestone asked.

       “We have no choice but to hide and interact with a few people as much as possible and pray that they don’t recognize us.”

       Mr. Milestone led them around town since he knows it very well having lived there for how many years. Their first plan was to stay at an inn but it was much too crowded and soldiers hanged out outside the doors. You could see others inside bars and restaurants. Mikhaila suggested they come instead to Mr. Milestone’s former store.

       “That’s too dangerous, Your Highness…” Mr. Milestone said. ‘Let us think of another way.”

       “But I think it will be okay.” Ron said.

       “What?” Jackson said. “Explain.”

       “Mr. Milestone…you and I came back to the capital in a short period of time after our escape more than a week ago, I bet they will not expect this and your home will be the last place in their minds that we could ever think of seeking refuge.” Ron explained.

       “That is what I also think.” Mikhaila said.


       “We have no other choice, Mr. Milestone.” Ron said. He watched him sigh then finally nod his head.

       The Grapevine Bakeshop still looked the same the last time they’ve been there.

       “I’m glad they did nothing to it.” Mr. Milestone said as they stepped in his bakeshop. They used the back door to enter.

       “You will surely be comfortable here, Your Highness.” Ron assured.

       “Oh, I missed this place!” Mr. Milestone said as he spread his arms.

       “So you are not regretting coming here anymore?” Mikhaila asked.

       His face reddened. “Yes, Your Highness and I really missed my shop.”

       “That’s alright.” She answered kindly. She understood how he was feeling. “I’m going upstairs to rest. You two should better sleep too, okay?”

       They nodded and she climbed up the stairs and entered one of the many vacant rooms. When she was gone and they heard the door close, Milestone said to Ron, “What do you think of her?’

       “What do you mean?”

       “As our future queen…as our current leader…” he answered.

       “She has been holding out well, Mr. Milestone. She’s strong and determined and she doesn’t want to show weaknesses but…she acts like a spoiled brat sometimes.” Ron said and he felt embarrassed with what he said.

       Mr. Milestone laughed. “That’s bad, Ron. Be careful.” He said teasingly.

       Ron also joined in his laughter.

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