Its Gonna be Okay

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Anna's POV

I went into Elsa's room yesterday and it was covered in ice.Maybe she's stressed or something.Im going to ask what's up.

Elsa's POV

Elsa!!! Anna yelled coming in to my room.I want to talk to you.About what? I asked
Well..... Anna said concerned.You have been acting strange lately.

Anna grabbed my hand and said to me.Its going to be okay.How do you know that? Because Elsa the baby is going to have a wonderful mother.
Your going to be an amazing mother.I know. it,Jack knows it.
After saying his name my mood swings kicked in again.He's gonna miss the birth.......He won't be there to help me through it.Hey.....She grabs my hand.Ill be there.I smile.Really? Elsa you are not going through this process alone.I will be there for you every step of the way.Even when im Screaming because the pain hurts so bad.After that comment Anna just giggles.Elsa of course.I can handle screaming and yelling.I will be fine.Trust me.I can handle it.At least better than Kristof could.

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