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Elsa's POV

The sunlight shines bright today.The castle is full of Joy.As people from all around the Kingdom come to celebrate.I have a big surprise to tell all of Arendele.Im pregnant!!!!
I hope the kingdom is excited about the baby cause I sure am.

Anna's POV

Elsa is practically glowing.
I can't believe she's going to be a mother.
But she deserves this. Especially after every thing she's been through with her powers and now that she can control them I just know that she'll be the best mother ever!!!
This baby sure will be lucky.

Jack's POV

Wow.......I can't believe I'm going to be a dad.
This is amazing!!!
I've been waiting all my life to be a father.I just hope that all be a better father than my dad was to me.After falling in that frozen lake I never did see my parents again.I hope Elsa knows that all never leave her or this baby because I don't know what I would do without Elsa or this baby.
I think I would just die if I had to be alone all my life with no famliey.But anyway this is my chance to have a family of my own,and I promise I will not screw this up.

Jelsa PregnancyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora