VXreader New years Mountains

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Request my - @Xx_allybanz_xX

(Y/N) Pov

The suns light beaming through the window of the small log cabin. Unable to move out of place with the gentle arms wrapped around me. V's face buried into my neck as he spoons me.

I want to turn around and look at his sleeping face as creepy as that sounds. I slowly and carefully turn around and see a set of light blue eyes stare at me.

"You're awake." his morning voice croaks out.

I smile taking his features. His messy hair, smooth skin, beautiful eyes.

"Staring now are we?." he kisses my temple.


He laughed sitting up. He slept shirtless. I couldn't help but stare.

"Baby." He tried to snap me out of my thoughts.


"Whats for breakfast?" A grin plastered on his face.

"You make it." I playfully through the pillow that was from underneath of my head at him.

"Haha sweet. I want your waffles."

"Oh with my secret recipe and the faces?"

"Yes please maim."

"mmmm baby."

"Please love," he begged.

"Kiss me then ill do it."

"Fine." He hovered over me his elbows and knees on each side of me. His face lowers down and his lips barely touch mine.

"Please~" I whisper.

His lips crash into mine. I kissed back. We pulled apart the sweet sensation.

"Isn't today New years eve?" He asks still hovering over me.


"Well, I have something special planned for you."

"Yay! what is it."

He didn't say anything back he just put his finger over his mouth. He rose up (and He rose up he rose up {Hamiltion} ) from his bed.

"so are you going to come with me for some photo's?"

"Ya bet." I kissed his cheek and walked off to the kitchen. We are just staying here for 5 days (2 more days) so there isn't much food left. I bring out the waffle batter ingredients and the waffle maker. Also some Nutella, strawberry's and whip cream and a few other stuff.

I make the waffles and just when I finish putting the faces on them V comes back with damp hair.

"Here you go." I hand him a plate of waffles with cute little faces. Not them basic smiley faces I mean characters faces. Kinda like a waffle version of a bento box.

"looks great love." He grabbed the syrup and poured it on his waffles.

+TIme Skip also my cat's snores are too much very adorable and as I'm writing this BTS is singing in time square ><

It's 11:40 V and I earlier sat up a camera during the day so we can get some good photos of the stars.

Right now we are walking up the mountains in the dark. V holds on to me tightly with a flashlight in his hand.

~~ We make it up to the top and I check my phone to see the time.


I quickly check the seconds and see its almost new years.

so I scream

"4!" V flinched almost dropping his expensive camera.





I slammed my lips into his.

.. "happy new years." I grinned.

V had wide eyes shocked from me.

"o-oh okay.Happy new years."

He looks frightened nearly have to die. "haha oops."



I got distracted by BTS oops

and Michael in the bathroom (Musical).

And my cat.


also, I bought this New years hat yesterday just because it reminded me of Patrick Stump.

also, I bought this New years hat yesterday just because it reminded me of Patrick Stump

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If only it was more fedora like;;

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