Suspicions Frustrations

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Kurami laid Itachi down in a cave Hideout she had used once when she was younger. She was thankful that only her and Izuna knew of it. Her big brother would send Izuna to get her when she had told them she had needed time alone. This was of the time when that had left the leaf. She laid Itachi on her bed and opened a drawer with the box from the stone she got her sword from. She went to another room and came back with a syringe. "I'm sorry Itachi. Please forgive me. At least you won't be blind any longer."

~Note that she took as well~

Dear Misty.
My little girl I'm sorry I'm not there to give these to you personally. Things have gotten rough. Especially with your father. I'm sure you hate him. He was never one to like women. The only reason we were really together was of an arranged marriage. Anyway, I'm getting off topic and this paper only is so big. I'm giving you my eyes. I know you have two brothers, but one of you will fall on the short end of the stick and will end up blind with no alternative. With there only being three of you one can give the other their eyes. So I'm giving you mine so there won't have to be that problem. I hope you don't have too much trouble in your life. Take good care of yourself and find love. It's always best to live loved than to live with someone you despise.


Once Kurami had finished she sighed sadly and laid a note down for Itachi though she had wrapped a cloth around his eyes so he couldn't see. She had hoped he would be smart enough not to remove it. She went back to the base and had gotten there just as her brother had finished telling Itachi's tale. She frowned at him and handed him the body with Itachi's eyes. "You know, I'm sure Itachi wouldn't be very pleased with you." Sasuke looked at her confused. "You knew?" She looked away sadly so Madara continued. "Yes, she's known from the very beginning. Why do you think she's been with Itachi for so long? She tried to help stop the coup. She tried to save Shisui as well. Had Itachi listened to her the night he killed everyone in the clan. She would be in his place. You see, Misty has always had a soft spot for everyone. Unfortunately, that's what got her here." She clenched her fists and turned to him. "Will you shut up already! I get that I'm nice! I get that I'm a caring fool! But you don't need to go on about how I could have changed! I don't know who the hell you are, but my brother would have never talked down upon me in such ways! You've either changed or you're someone pretending. So stay away from me!" She ran out of the room and both men stood there shocked. After a bit of silence Madara sighed. A thought struck his mind and he turned to Sasuke. "Oh, and Sasuke." Sasuke turned to him with a slight glare. "I would be careful soon with sleeping with her. She's getting close to her age. Once her body thinks she's old enough, or at least. Has caught up with her original age. She'll be able to have children once again." Sasuke frowned and nodded. Kurami was not what completely filled his mind though. Sure she was a piece of it, and how things would have been like had she taken Itachi's place. But he was mainly thinking of his brother.

Kurami sat outside hugging her let's to herself as she watched the clashing water. She sat remembering the times with her brothers and some with her child. Tears streamed down her cheeks but she never looked away from the water. The sound of the waves were to strong to hear Sasuke and his team approach behind her. Sasuke placed his hand on her shoulder making her jump a bit but she relaxed once seeing it was him. They both watched the water but because she was closer to the water she didn't hear what he had said to his team. She got to her feet and pulled him into her arms noticing that he also was crying. She stopped her crying to comfort him and rubbed his back as he held her tightly. Karin watched with fury at Kurami's closeness she always had with Sasuke. Jugo watched with pity. Madara coughed into his hand to catch their attention. "Kurami. I'm sending you to the leaf with Pein to capture the nine tails." Her eyes widened and she moved away from Sasuke furious. "How dare you!" Sasuke wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her back from lashing out at Madara. "I won't let you attack the leaf! Just because Itachi's gone doesn't mean that it's okay now!" Madara hummed. "But I thought you hated the leaf?" She stopped struggling and clenched her fists daming him in her mind. He nodded and told them to follow him back.

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