Finally - Chapter 34.

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Hehe, hi my lovelies! :D

I'm eating BBQ wings right now, yuumm. <3 Wings are my second favorite food.

So on the side, I posted the part of Armageddon that makes me cry every time. Seriously, Armageddon is my favorite movie EVER. I love it. I was actualy packing earlier today. I leave in 3 days!!! And I didn't get very far, because, well, I hate packing. -___- I never know what to bring. Hahahaha. So, I stopped and made a list. And yeah. Now that I'm posting this, I'm going to finish my wings and go back to packing.

But, like I said, I'm devoting these next 2-3 days to you! I'm going to try to post as much as I can. So, here you go!

P.S. This is quite long, if I do say so myself. :D I'm proud! WOOOOOOO!

Anyways, ONWARD!


Cory's POV:

"Guys!" Zayn slurred. "You should make out again, I want to see it!"

My mind was already fuzzy from all the alcohol I consumed. I was completely drunk and I knew it. I looked at Alex and shrugged. "Why not?" We downed another shot of vodka each.

Since I was sitting on Alex's lap, I just leaned down and kissed her. Our lips moved in sync and I heard the boys whistle in excitement. I laughed against Al's lips and licked her lips for permission. She granted it, our tongues immediately battling for dominance.

"This is the hottest thing I've ever seen." I listened to Liam's voice. He was clearly enjoying the performance. Alex smirked against my lips.

For just having her first kiss not too long ago and even though we were completely wasted, Alex was a good kisser. We pulled away breathless and turned to the guys. They were all wide eyed, mouths hanging open.

I stumbled up off of Alex and grabbed Harry's hand, dragging him to the dance floor. I started grinding on him. Completely wasted or not, I knew how to club dance. My movements were swift and to the beat. Harry's hands moved from my waist to the inside of my thighs. I put my right hand on his cheek, turning my body slightly to the right so I could see his face. As I continued to grind on him, lips moved over mine. A tongue licking my bottom lip came soon after, begging for entrance. A granted his wish, running my hand through his dark hair. It felt so good. It felt so right. The way his lips feel should be a sin.

We eventually separated.


"I'm hungry." I whined. I was starting to sober up as we were walking back to the bus. We spent a total of 5 hours at the club, my last drink being 2 hours in.

Liam, the designated walker, moaned. "We're almost back to the bus, Cory."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I want McDonald's." I'll admit that I was a little homesick, I just wanted to have a little taste of something that reminded me of home.

"Do they even have McDonald's in Rome?" Alex asked, laughing.

"Yeah, I saw one on my way to find Cory last night." Niall stated as he switched places with Liam. Niall wasn't drunk anymore. Being Irish, he most likely had a lot of experience with alcohol in his 18 - almost 19 - years. Then again, that could be just a stereotype, but I wouldn't put it past Niall.

Niall led us the entire way to the McDonald's. I screamed in excitement, running in and placing my order. Everyone ordered and I paid. The boys and Alex weren't very happy about it, but I'm the one who wanted it. I waved them off and ate my chicken nuggets happily.

After we were done eating, I was just a tad bit tipsy. I was walking alongside Harry and singing "Love You Like A Love Song" by Selena Gomez. We were just about to cross a road when Niall screamed to stop. I was almost stepped out into the street when Zayn grabbed my waist and pulled me back. It seemed like Zayn was always saving me from things, Louis was always making me laugh, and Harry was always taking care of me.

Why can't I just have all of them?

"Corrine! You have got to watch where you're going!" Daddy Direction yelled, making me flinch. "What are you, stupid?!"

He sounded just like my father when he yelled at me. "I-I- I'm sorry." I stuttered. "I didn't m-mean to."

He must've seen the hurt in my eyes because his expression soon softened. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that." He gave me a hug.

I didn't realize I was shaking until I was pressed against his body. Great, I probably look like I'm insane to them. The only one who knew about my father was Alex. I pulled away from Liam and crossed the street, walking by myself. I didn't do good whenever someone called me stupid. I wasn't stupid, at least I didn't think I was.

I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my jacket and didn't bother looking back. I knew my way to the bus from here, I didn't need Liam leading me. I walked on the sidewalk until the bus was in sight. I picked up my pace, making it to the bus before the rest of them, and threw on some black soffe shorts, rolling them up once, and my tie dye hockey shirt. I grabbed Curly.

It was nearly four in the morning. I heard the bus door open and the sounds of hushed voices as I walked out of Alex and I's bedroom. I smiled weakly at Alex. "You and Liam can sleep together tonight. I'll take the couch."

"But Cor-" She started, but I interrupted.

"But Cory nothing. Go on, now." I said, shooing them into the room. Liam didn't object at all, being the stupid fuck he is. Oops, that was mean. He didn't know about my past. I shouldn't be mad at him for something he didn't know. It wasn't his fault. But he still had no reason to call me stupid - even if he did care.

I turned on the TV and put my favorite movie of all time, Armageddon, in the DVD player. I laid down on the couch and covered up with a blanket. Harry came out a couple minutes later, lifting my head and sitting down on the couch. He placed my head in his lap after he got situated. "Mind if I join you?"

I laughed. "You didn't give me much of a choice, now did you?" I said referring to how he sat down and THEN asked.

"I guess not." He chuckled as he picked up a piece of my hair and proceeded to twirl it around his finger. I turned so I was laying on my back and looked up at him. He bent down, kissing my forehead.

We sat in silence, watching the movie. The movie had gotten to the part where I cry every time. The waterworks started flowing.

"No, daddy. No." Liv Tyler, or 'Grace', sobbed.

I thought of my own dad. Even if he was cruel to me when I was younger, I loved him. So much. I cared so much about my dad and that's why it killed me that I disappointed him. I just wanted his approval, that's all I wanted. I then thought of my Harry, not Bruce Willis who played Harry. I made the connection between the two. A sob racked through my body and Harry looked down.

"Aw, don't cry, love." Harry soothed, making me sit up. He pushed my head softly into his chest and kissed my hair.

"I'm sorry." I said, laughing and crying at the same time. "I cry every time at this movie. It gets to me."

He laughed with me. "How come?"

"It reminds me of my dad. And since the guys name was Harry, it made me think about losing you." I admitted as my cheeks started to heat up.

Harry lifted my head up and kissed me so gently that I almost didn't feel it. It made me want to kiss him again, but I held myself back. He smiled, using his thumb to wipe away the trail that my tears left. "You don't need to worry about losing me."

I couldn't hold myself back any longer, I smashed my lips to his. He nibbled at my bottom lip, wanting entrance. I opened my mouth and our tongues connected. I smiled into the kiss as I rested my hand lightly on his neck. His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me closer into him.

We kissed until we had to come back up for air. When we separated, he rested his forehead against mine. "Cory, will you be my official girlfriend?"

I beamed. "Yes."

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