Coming Clean - Chapter Fourteen.

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It's Peyton again. :D

I added this so quick because Alex/Courtney left off at a great place! I also uploaded so soon because I still feel bad for not updating for two days!! I'm still REALLY sorry about that. D:

It won't happen I again! I promise! Well, I'm going to be going to the beach soon.. On the 15th to be exact. So I don't know how that's going to work out yet. So - Courtney, we need to talk about that!! Anywho, I hope you ENJOY!

Comment/Vote/Fan/Add to your reading list!!!!


*Corrine's POV:*

"Who wants to go up?" Harry asked, smiling.

I raised my hand as far as I could and shouted at the top of my lungs. "ME! ME! MEEEEE!" I started to jump up and down. I was so excited, too excited probably. Liam put a hand on my shoulder, discontinuing my jumping. I frowned. "Can't you let me be excited?" I whined and stomped my foot.

"Not when you act like that!" Liam exclaimed. "People are staring!"

I frowned and stalked off towards the elevator. Stupid Liam. Always has to ruin my fun. I pressed the button and waited patiently. As the people from the previous visit exited, I hopped in and held the elevator doors. "Well, are you guys coming or not?" I called.

Al's face lit up and ran towards the elevator, getting in. Everyone came in except Niall. "Niall, why aren't you coming in?" I asked.

"Uh..I'm Claustrophobic. I don't think I can do it with all of you in there."

I frowned. "Come on, Ni." I pleaded. The trip wouldn't be the same without him. "I'll hold your hand!"

He shook his head and backed away. I couldn't leave with him all by himself, so I stepped out of the elevator. Louis stopped the door.

"What are you doing, Cory?" Alex questioned.

"I'm gunna stay here with Niall until the next trip. We'll be up shortly after the next group is done. Just stay up there until we get there." I smiled and took Louis hand off the door. He looked at me funny. I waved them off as I backed up.

Niall took my hand and smiled. "Thank you, for that."

"No need to thank me." I returned the smile as I squeezed his hand to reassure him. We stood in silence, but the good kind of silence. It wasn't awkward or anything.

A good five minutes passed before he blurted out something I wasn't expecting. "I know about you and Louis."

"What?" I snapped my head towards him. "How?"

He blushed. "I saw you guys. Don't worry, I won't say anything, I promise!"

I put my face in my hands. Even though Niall said he wouldn't say anything, I still wished he didn't know. I didn't want anyone to know besides me and Louis. Sure, I was planning on telling Alex, but that was different. I didn't want the boys to find out in fear of them being mad. Louis did have a girlfriend, after all. "What am I going to do, Niall?" I squeaked, my throat dry. Don't cry, Corrine. Don't cry.

Niall put a comforting hand on my back. "Well, do you like Louis?"

"No. I mean - yes. I mean..I don't know! I enjoyed the kiss, I really did. I felt something when we kissed - It's just - I have feelings for someone else, I think. I'm just so confused!" I admitted, thoughts racking my brain. Did I really like Louis?

"You like Zayn." Niall said matter-of-factly. "Zayn likes you."

I didn't even bother asking him how he knew that. "Zayn has a girlfriend." I retorted.

"So does Louis."

I glared at Niall. He really wasn't helping with this whole situation. "What are you trying to say, here?"

"What I'm trying to say, is that both Louis and Zayn have girlfriends. They both seem to like you. So basically, you're stuck between a rock and a wall." He explained as he began rubbing circles in my back.

I sighed heavily. "I don't know who I like more. Zayn makes my heart pound and butterflies erupt while Louis gives me the tingles just by touching me." (A/N: HAHA! I don't know why I find that so funny, but you get what I mean right?)

The elevator arrived and we stepped in. "Give it time," Niall whispered. "You'll sort things out."

I licked my lips. I hate to admit it, but Niall was right. Even though I wished desperately for it to already be sorted out and have my mind made up, I had to do it myself. I wrapped my arms around Niall and pulled him in for a hug. His arms instinctively went around my waist. "Thank you, so much." I said as I pulled away.

"It's no problem, really." He smiled.

The elevator dinged, signalling that we were at the top. Niall and I stepped out into the light and gasped. Everything was so beautiful from up here. We found Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Alex on the far side and walked up to them.

"Took you long enough!" Harry teased, turning around.

"Well, sor-ry." I sarcastically countered, rolling my eyes playfully. "You know," I started. "I've always wanted to kiss someone on the Eiffel Tower."

"Me too!" Harry exclaimed.

Before I could even process it, he took my hand and brought me to the front of the tower and placed his hands on my waist. I placed mine on his chest and went up on my tip-toes. He met me half way and kissed me. It was a simple, friendly, peck. Nothing more. I smiled triumphantly and hugged him. "Thanks."

"No," He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. "Thank you."

I laughed as I walked over to where Alex was standing and pulled her away from the railing. "Hey!" She yelped. "I was admiring the view!"

"I have to talk to you!" I whispered. "You wanted to know what was wrong, didn't you?"

She sighed in defeat. "This is true."

"Louis kissed me." I mumbled once we reached the other side of the tower, where we couldn't be heard. I started to chew on the inside of my mouth, awaiting her reaction. She didn't freak out like I imagined.

She opened her mouth once, but then shut it. After a long pause, she opened it again. "How did it make you feel?"

"Amazing." I blurted. "It felt so good to be kissed with compassion rather than the kisses Ryan always gave me. I didn't want to stop kissing him. But I pulled away because 1. He has a girlfriend and 2. I think it was a pity kiss. Though, when I pulled away, my lips tingled."

She thought for a moment before replying. "Zayn?" She said lifting up and turning over her one hand. "Or Louis?" She did the same to her other hand.

"I don't know!" I yelled. "That's the problem!" I folded my arms on the rail and put my head in them. "I feel like such a whore."

"You aren't a whore, Cory." Al laughed as she bent down beside me. "You're confused, is all."

I twisted my head to look her in the eyes. "Who do you think would be best for me?"

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