Concerts and Silent Treatment- Chapter Twenty-One

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CHAPTER 21!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!

I am in an okay mood today but if my twin is having a bad day, I feel bad.

Anyway!! I'm feeling a tad bit angry because my birthday is in 20 days and my sister is leaving for London...

...Without me...

...On my 16th birthday...





16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

I like Carrots!

Penguin --> <(")

CAT!!---->  =(^.^)=


-xoxo Courtney<3


**Alex :3**

Cory and I had our press passes on and we were taking pictures of fans in their outrageous outfits. Cory and I were laughing and talking. "I can't believe they might just be thinking of us as toys." I said looking down, I honestly thought what they told was was to make me feel better, but what if they were trying to get into our pants and they just lied? The stadium darkened and a video started playing. It was the boys at the beach and I scowled. After about a minute, the screaming became louder and we glared at the boys. I started writing the begining of the article and Corrine was doing the same. We didn't really pay attention to the fans that much and we wrote about how this was a sold out concert and blah blah blah.

After the concert, We didn't even wait for the guys. "Hey Paul, we are heading back now." I said and he nodded. On our way back to the bus, we had passed a nightclub. We put our passes in my shoulder bag. We had left the camera's in Paul's care just in case if we would have gotten mugged.

"Wanna party?"  Cory asked and I smiled at her. We were definitely dressed for it and I nodded. We linked arms and walked right on in. We went straight to the bar and I got a rum and coke while Cory got Bluemoon. We did a cheers and downed our drinks. The last time I had gotten drunk was at our graduation party. I heard my phone ring and it was Liam calling me. I clicked deny and switched my phone on silent. A minute later, Zayn was calling Cory and she did the same thing as me. I ordered another beer and a couple of guys came over to us.

"Hello sexy men." I said, getting slightly out of my shell. Cory gigled and they smiled at us.

"Can we buy you ladies some shots?" They asked and from their accents, they were American.

"Sure." Cory said and they bought a round of tequila shots.

"One, two, three!" I said and we downed them. I loved the burning sensation and I smiled at Cory.

"Let's dance!" She said, ordering another beer and the boys followed us out to the dance floor. We were dancing and drinking and having a blast, forgetting all about One Direction.

After 5 more rounds of vodka and tequila shots and a bunch more beers, Cory and I were drunk off our asses. We said goodnight to the boys and kissed them both on the cheek. Cory and I held hands and started stumbling all over the place. I pulled out my phone to check the time and I had 64 missed calls and 45 text messages. It was 2 in the morning and I laughed. I made Cory and I sit down on a bench and we looked at each other and started laughing. "I love Paris!" I shouted and we laughed even harder. My phone started ringing and it was Paul. I clicked answer and tried getting Cory and I to stop laughing.

"Where are you girls?" He asked and we laughed harder.

"We went out to celebrate." I said, giggling.

"Are you girls drunk?" He asked and Cory and I giggled harder.

"Maybe." She said and we heard him sigh.

"Where are you? I'll send someone to go pick you up." He said and I suddenly got mad. He would probably send one of the boys.

"Paul, we are a block from the bus. We can make it." I said and he sighed again.

"Fine. Be careful." He said and we giggled. We stood back up, even more tipsier. We stumbled all of the way to the bus, laughing and tripping. All of the alcohol in my system numbed the pain. We were still laughing when we opened up the door. We heard all talking stop and we laughed harder.

"Where have you two been!?" Liam yelled, glaring at us. We kept giving them the silent treatment and walked back to our room, stumbling the whole way. I tripped over my own feet and fell, bringing Cory down with me. We laughed even harder and my ribs were starting to hurt.

"Are you two drunk?" Niall asked and Cory and I stood up, without saying a word, but giggling, went to our room. I locked the door and started undressing. I stayed in my bra and underwear and climbed into bed. I was too tired to even put pj's on. Cory did the same and she turned off the light.

"Night Cory!" I whispered.

"Night Al!" She whispered back and we giggled. Soon, I was passed out.


I woke up with a major headache, not really remembering last night. My mouth was really dry and I went to go get something to drink. Liam and Niall were up but I was too tired to say anything. I rubbed my eyes, unintentionally smearing my make-up. And opened the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water. I turned around and Liam and Niall were staring at me, wide-eyed. I tried processing why but I couldn't come up with anything. I heard the toilet flush and say Harry come out. He glanced over at me.

"Holy Almost Nakedness!"  He yelled and it finally clicked. I looked down at my strapless bra and girl boxers and th wrap around my ribs and I looked back up, beat red. I quickly walked back to the bedroom, blushing redder than a firetruck. I looked at myself in the mirror and my hair was a mess and my make up was smeared everywhere and I reaked of beer. I grabbed some clothes and went to take a shower.

When I was done, we continued our road trip and Cory was taking a shower. We still hadn't talked to the boys and I smiled to myself, feeling proud that I hadn't said a word to them. When Cory was done, she came into the room and we started cleaning.

"We need to do laundry the next time we stop." I said and she nodded. After cleaning up a bit, we sat on the bed to type the articles. We finished and we started watching TV. The boys had left us alone and we were happy.

"Al!" Cory yelled and I jumped.

"Cory!" I yelled back and she hit me. "Oi!" I said.

"I'm hungry." She said and her stomach growled. Mine followed suit and we sighed. We glanced out and all the boys were focused on the TV. We snuck into the kitchen and were grabbing the Nutella and graham crackers and we started heading back.

"Alexandria. Corrine. Why are you ignoring us?" Niall asked. We tensed and turned around slowly. "What did we do?"

"We aren't your toys." I said and their faces went to confused. We walked back into the room and shut the door. Cory and I started dipping the crackers into Nutella and started to watch 'Dancing With The Stars.'

I sighed. What were we supposed to do about the boys?

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