Friendly Faces

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This is not my story! It's WenWenNeo's story, that she wanted me to put in my book! :D

I'll be editing this after friday, when all my exams are done.

Go fan her! :)


I was Summer Anne Lasel and this is the story of how I died.

I heard a scream from the bedroom window, when I looked up I saw my mother pointing down at me.  “WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!” I yelled with a mix of fear and annoyance in my voice.

“I was watching Nightmare on Elm Street, again.  Sorry I woke you up, it’s still as terrifying as I remember,” she said looking thoroughly embarrassed.  I sighed out of tiredness and sat next to her shaken body.

“Oh good,” I was relieved.  “I thought that a thief came in.” I looked up at the movie that woke me up.  It was very bloody and gory and I knew that my mother was not very tolerant of anything disgusting.  “Are you sure you want to watch this poor excuse of a good scare,” I mocked with disbelief.

“Not all people can tolerate fear, that’s just you and I admire your courage.” Mom praised trying to get me to like this movie.  Well, if you can’t beat them join them, right? I thought with defeat.  I jumped on the chair next to her causing my brown hair to bounce a little over enthusiastically.  I kept my hazel eyes glued to the screen, after 20 minutes I realized this movie was awful and like every other stereotypical horror movie.

“This movie sucks!  Freddy Kruger couldn’t be scary even if he tried.” I criticized with a smirk “It’s not like he exists, anyway.”

“Oh, you’d be surprised who exists,” my mom said mysteriously.  I filled my face with mock terror and she quickly added “I’m just kidding you know that, right?”   I nodded.  I couldn’t take anymore of the awful non scary movie.  I sighed, climbed upstairs and went to my warm bed. My dreams were centering on what my mother had said.  I imagined Freddy Kruger trying to kill me and I saw a side of me that I never thought existed.  I saw myself scared.

I woke up.  My eyes were flared with irritation from last night. If only I hadn’t watched that dumb movie.   No point regretting it now, I thought.  I trudged my feet downstairs, they were still numb from my sleepless night. “Morning,” I croaked.

   “You seemed to be alert,” Mom commented with a grin.  I ignored her and made a random breakfast.

            “This tastes terrible! What is it?” I asked with a sour look on my face. She rolled her stormy grey eyes and pointed to a small metal pan.  “I must be really tired not to know eggs from bacon,” I said looking a little embarrassed. I took the stinky eggs and exchanged if for some bacon. When I took the first bite I was slightly happier. I finished it slowly.

            School was awful.  In science class we dissected gross little green things that were supposed to be frogs.  If that wasn’t bad enough Alix Davies had to put that slimy thing in my hair that was now slightly green!

            When I got home I logged onto Facebook.  Some stranger was trying to chat with me I regrettably clicked Accept.  The person’s screen name was “SKEvilness.” “I’m going to kill you,” he wrote.

            I rolled my hazel eyes and typed back “I’m not scared of you. You’re probably just some stalker that has nothing better to do.”

            “Your address is 7931 Crabrose Avenue, am I right? When I’m done with you, you’re going to wish you were dead so be very afraid for your life,” and then he logged off.  I hesitantly clicked on his profile.  The image was a very gruesome picture of Freddy Kruger.  I went to block this person, he was not good news.  Wait, how does this person know me and where I live? I thought frantically.  I thought about what internet accounts I had and then it hit me, “YouTube” I was silently screaming.  I scrambled onto my account and clicked on my video.  I noticed my location; I was standing outside my house with the street address in plain sight.  I deleted the video and my YouTube account but the damage was already done.

Try Not To Be Afraid Of The Dark (Very Short Stories) ~EDITING~Where stories live. Discover now