Suicide Notes

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Ever feel like your not loved?

That your worthless?

That your ugly, unwanted, fat?

That everyone hates you?

That everyone would be better off without you?

That you shouldn't even be alive?


Slowly walking to her bedroom, a look of sadness on her face, Zoe enters the room and walks over to her bed. Pulling her knees to her chin, she grabs th notebook on her desk, and begins to write...

Dear mum,

I'm sorry, I'm sorry for putting you through this; through all this pain. But I believe I will be in a better place soon, a place where I can't hate myself anymore. I wish that it wouldn't have come to this. But it's too late now, it's the only way out. I ask of you one thing: don't cry, don't grieve. Just remember me as that laughing little child that I was many years ago, the child that had no worries, no anxieties. But it's not just me who has changed, it's you too. You don't seem to care about me anymore, not after Dad left, and that hurts me. But don't blame yourself. Please forgiven me. I love you.

Your little angel, Zoe.

Tears streaming down her cheeks, she writes the second note.

The note to the class A bitch of her year.


You made my life hell. All the rumours you spread about me, me being a lesbian? That's sick. How I killed my own sister as I was jalous? That's twisted. How I was pregnant? That's just not right. I hope you feel guilty.



The girl you used to love to torment.

P.S But that will change soon.

Then she moved onto writing the letter to the person she loves, the person who made her come to this decision, that life wasn't worth living.


You are the cause of all this pain. This heart break. I remember those days, those days when we used to laugh and smile, like nothing was wrong in the world. We'd stay up all night, just talking and exchanging secrets, and chatting about our favourite singers. And in school, we'd go off alone, hold hands and talk even more. You'd hold me close, and I'd feel like nothing could ever hurt me, that I was safe in your arms, forever. But that changed. You changed it all.

I was so happy being with you, just spending time with you, then that all stopped. One day, you stopped talking to me and ignored me completely in school. Then you done something, something that hurt me so much. In fact, it scared me. I knew I had to tell you it was over, no matter how much it pained me. You ended my world, by the things you done.

But I still loved you.

I felt like nothing would ever be the same again. And that's true, I was never happy after you did that to me. Then, I found out that you spread rumours about me. I never knew someone who you loved so much would actually do that to you. To call you a slag,and tell everyone lies, just so they would hate you. I'll tell you one thing. It worked. Everyone does hate me. In fact, I hate myself. I hate everything about me. And that day, that was the day I started cutting for the first time. Everyone told me to forget about you; to move on; that you weren't worth it. But you mean everything to me, and without you in my life, I don't want to keep living.

I love you.

Please don't forget the special thing that we had.

By now, puddles of tears were all over the carpeted floor. She had finished her last suicide notes.

Now, the time had come.

Trembling with fear, she reaches over to the blade. Grasping it tightly, she pierces it into her ivory skin, and watches the crimson blood flow out of the wound.

She does it again, and again, until her whole arm is just a bloody mess. Then, she does it one last time, only this time she makes sure she cuts a vein; in fact as many veins as she could.. She drops the blade, and tries to stagger over to the door, but she doesn't make it. She just falls on the floor, a smile painted onto her face. Her sucide notes scattered all around her.

And just as her eyes start to close, she manages to stutter the words: I love you, Drew. Forever and always.

She knows people may think it's a bit drastic, commiting suicide over one stupid teenage crush. But it was more than that. She loved him. He done things to her, things that hurt her so much. And at least, nobody will be able to break her heart, not ever again. And then, her mind goes blank. She's going into a deep sleep.

A deep sleep.



Try Not To Be Afraid Of The Dark (Very Short Stories) ~EDITING~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang