Zayn has feelings too (Zarry)

Start from the beginning

"what the fuck mate"louis laughs from somewhere in the background

"but i thought we were already outside"zayn states like the smart ass he is as he notices the threes and sun comoletely oblivious to what harry Meant while Harry's face flushed in embarassment while louis allows himself to drown in his laughter

"oh okay i guess i would just see you around"harry says with a fake smile before turnjng back around rushing away before zayn could say anything zayn watched him leave zayn doesn't understand what is happening he was only a few minutes from having a meltdown if he ever feels like that he wishes he could have said those word and why harry wanted them to go outside.

"go out with me"zayn says robotically as he drops his back pack unto the couch he frowns at the images and results that came up in his brain

"oh zayn you are back how was school"trisha asks with a grin

"it was school"zayn mutters dryly making waliyah to laugh while trisha sent her a glare

"its not my fault that he is always so rude"waliyah complains as she sends zayn a nasty look he ignored he was completely lost in the checking of himself and his brain also checking the internet

"no honey he is just very unique creature they don't have feelings and emotions"trisha tries to explain but ever since she brought zayn with her waliyah has been mad because she thinks that now zayn would steal her parent's love and affection away from her as she was the only child before but the thing is zayn might be learning to human but he would never do that to her he sees her as a creature he likes a sister just like humans would say.

"mom can harry Styles go out with me"zayn asks making everyone look back at him in disbelief

"who is harry styles"

"what did you say"

"earlier on today harry asked me out and when i checked the data base to find out that going out can be also fun"zayn explains hapily

"oh zayn i dont know about that"

"what do you mean i just told you about that"zayn says making waliyah facepalm

"oh c'mon mom you said you brought him to learn go be a normal boy not gay"waliyah states sacastically

"waliyah azad freaking malik you know I'm not homophobic the reason why I'm not sure is because what if the secrets leaks i dont want the government on my ass or on his ass" trisha defends herself making waliyah raise her hands up in defeat

"searching what is an ass"zayn says robotically making trishas eyes widen while waliyah goes into a fit of laughter

"no zayn dont search fo-"trisha yells but zayn cuts her off

"an ass is a butt-

"okay zayn lets get off of the internet and go and charge you up"trisha says making zayn nod as he got up

"okay dr mom"zayn says as he trails brhind doctor mom he smiles as she leans down and kisses his forehead before plugging in the charger and ecitung the room

"Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave"

Zayn looked out for harry the whole day in school he wanted to talk or at least that was what humans did do when theh are in this kind of situation

"harry styles has been lockated standing exactly 75 steps away from you "the voice in his head says making zayn nod

"thanks computer brain"zayn mutters out loud making a few people send him weird looks that he simply chooses to ignore as he started to count his step until he got 75 steps he could see harry standing in front of locker twenty four ix

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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