The Taste of Pineapple

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The book store hasn't been busy today. Well, there never really was a time that it was actually busy. Liam was taking inventory and I was working the counter. Shawn was doing God-knows-what in the back room. I had told Harry that I would see him tonight-- I actually had a bag packed in my car in case he wanted me to spend the night...or a few days. I was pretty well prepared.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out and looked at the screen. Harry's contact photo lit up the face of my phone. I slide to answer, "Hello?"

"Blair, where are you?" He asked. He didn't sound panicked or anything, he just sounded bored.

"I'm at work, Harry. What do you need?"

"I don't need anything."

"All right," I say slowly. I look around the store; Liam is absorbed in his work and Shawn is no where in sight. I wait for Harry to say something else, but his side of the line remains silent. "Did you want something?"

He sighs. "I don't know."

"Then why did you call?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"I... don't know."

"Okay." I pause. "Is everything okay?"

"Can you come over after work?"

"Yeah, I told you I was," I chuckle. "I get off at six... so you'll have to wait like a half hour."

"That's fine." He tells me, and I can practically hear the smile in his voice.

I chew on my lip. "Harry...are you sure everything's all right?"

"Uh..." He clears his throat. "I, uh...I just wanted to talk to you...and I...uh...miss-you." He says the end rushed, almost as if he's embarrassed.

"What was that?" I smile cheekily.


"Harry, I don't understand what you're saying--"

"I miss you!" He finally exclaims clearly.

I laugh. "Harry."

"Stop laughing."

"Sorry, I just love you," I hear someone clear their throat and I look over to see Shawn motioning for me to get off the phone. I sigh. "Harry, I need to go. I'll see you after work, all right?"


I put down my phone and look at Shawn. "Sorry," I apologize.

"It's all right," he says, sliding a stack of books toward me. "But no talking on the job, for future reference."

"No...talking." I clarify.


"So I can't...speak." I joke, Liam tries to hide his laughter next to me.


"At all?"

"Blair, how much clarification do you need?"

"I have to be quiet at all times, then," I say slowly, raising my eyebrows.

Shawn finally understands, rolling his eyes. "No talking on the phone," he says flatly. "Alphabetize these, would you? I got the register," he says to me. I nod take the books out of his arms. I join Liam in one of the aisle and pass him the books to be entered into inventory before I waste both of our times putting them directly away.

"I'm sorry, but that was hilarious," Liam tells me.

I chuckle. "He's a great boss, but sometimes he's just not that...receptive."

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