Run With Me, And Start A New

Start from the beginning

"7 pm, huh? I really need to get home."

Chuuya started walking at a quick pace towards home. He was making his way towards home quickly enough, but was stopped when he was knocked down by someone bumping into him harshly. Chuuya winced as he landed hard on the ground. Chuuya opened his eyes looking at who knocked him over. Chuuya eyes widened as he saw the sight in front of him. A tall brunette man, taller than him at least. Dress in all black with bandages wrapped around his arms and his left eye, and a right bandage patch on his cheek. The man in front of him was bleeding profusely.

"Oh my god

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"Oh my god. A-Are you okay?!" Chuuya asked after seeing the man in such state.

"Ah shit... Call someone. I should call someone." Chuuya went to pull out his phone but a hand quickly grasped around his arm.

"N-No..." He panted weakly. "No emergency rooms... No police... no doctors..." The man shook his head, and he wobbled deadly as he fell to the side. Chuuya caught his head before it hit the ground, and he rested the man's head on his lap while he thought things through. Chuuya knew he couldn't just leave him here like this. He had to stop the bleeding, and on top of that it was freezing he would surely die if he was left here. But he also knew the man didn't want to deal with doctors or hospitals. Maybe he didn't have any insurance, Chuuya thought. Chuuya laid the man's head down on the side walk, and he stood up. Chuuya then gently pulled the man up off the ground, and he held up his weight as he started making his way back to his apartment with the injured stranger.


Dazai threw his bag and Chuuya's in the trunk of a car he stole.

"Whose car is this?"

"I stole it." Dazai said nonchalantly.

"Osamu!" Chuuya yelled. "We can get arrested for that."

"Don't worry I took care of it. I switched out the plates they are fake. As long as we don't draw attention to us we will be fine. Give me your cellphone."

Chuuya obeyed and he gave Dazai his cellphone. Dazai took his and Chuuya's phone and he smashed it on the concrete.

"For now, we will keep our burner cells. That's all. We will get new phones when we get set up at our new place, okay?"

Chuuya nodded and he got in the car with Dazai and buckled in.

"What about my mom... and sister... I want to say goodbye..." Chuuya said sadly.

Dazai put his hand on Chuuya's and he rubbed his hand softly, and kissed his temple.

"You don't have to say goodbye baby. We just need to get somewhere safe, and then we can visit them okay? I promise."

"Pinky promise...?"

"I pinky promise babe."

"Okay..." Chuuya said as he squeezed Dazai's hand tightly. Dazai kissed Chuuya's hand before he let it go. Dazai started up the engine, and he put the car into reverse and backed out of the garage. Dazai turned the car around and pointed it directly at the Port Mafia gate. Dazai sighed as he looked at Chuuya.

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