Chapter 5: Monday

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James woke up on Monday; the sun blaring in his face. He threw himself out of his bed and puts his clothes on. He walks out of his room, his body slumped over from yesterday. He picked himself up before he was seen by any of his family members. He walked downstairs to the same situation he always does: everyone eating calmly and talking about whatever they might be talking about. Everyone always sat in the same place, and James sat down where he always sits. 

"So how are you doing James?" Karen said finishing her last sentence. James's head shot up in surprise. He didn't want anyone to talk to him, but he should've expected it.

"f-fine, I guess" James sputtered out whilst looking down. Karen shot him a side-eye.

"I don't believe you James." Karen said suspiciously. James shook his head and dismissed her. She continued to egg him on. James kept staying quiet as his face kept getting paler because he knew the reason why he wasn't speaking.

"Karen please. It's pretty clear James doesn't want to talk about it." Their father said calmly. Karen obeyed as David sighed in quiet peace. James continued to eat in silence. James looked up at the clock.

"6:45 I gotta go." James said grabbing his backpack.

"I love you guys." James's aching voice said as he strolled out the door.

James strolled down the street to his bus stop where he was met with Jimmey. James casually strolled up to him.

"Hey" Jimmey said.

"Hi" James said acting completely normal.

"How is everything?" Jimmey asked in his usual tone.

"Fine; how 'bout you?" James's low morning voice lingered in his throat as he looked up into Jimmey's hazel eyes. They seemed to fixate James's attention, and he was momentarily captivated by them. The sun reflected in them giving them a glowing sensation, the brown was amber and the green was lime. Jimmey's small amount of freckles on his cheeks are what captivated James's mind next. James suddenly snapped himself out of it; telling himself it was morally wrong.

"I mean, as good as things can be right about now." Jimmey said suddenly looking down; the sunlight lost in his eyes. James patted him on the back as the bus pulled up to them.

The two of them sit together on the bus, not paying attention to anything.

"Hey James!" Marty shouted enthusiastically like he always is.

"Hey Marty! How have you been?" James asked him. Marty was one of James's best friends, right behind of Jimmey of course.

"Ya know I've been great like always." Marty says with a cheeky smile on his charming face.

"Well that's good to hear, and before you ask I've been great" James said the same cheeky smile emerging on his face. Marty always made everyone feel happy, including James. Everyone liked Marty and appreciated his company. Jimmey stared at the window but chuckled to himself to his friends' conversations. James spent the rest of the bus ride chatting with Marty, while Jimmey sat quietly to himself; starring out the window. The bus finally files out and James gets out before Jimmey, but waits for him outside of the bus. Jimmey is the last one to walk out of the bus; his face unreadable.

"C'mon Jimmey-" James cuts himself off before saying cheer up a bit to Jimmey. He's been through a lot this past weekend. James thought to himself. Jimmey looked up to Jame's eyes for a moment while he said that. Jimmey's face cold and heavyhearted. James's blue eyes changed emotion. They melted away their typical cold exterior to reveal a warmer side. That cold blue tone only changed for two people: Jimmey and Marty. Jimmey realized this and sighed away his anger. He knew it wasn't James's fault. James's face looked so concerned as his friend shoved his hands into his football jacket's pockets. They walk inside the school together.

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