We already saw this conversation...

The Hetalia fandom started to put together some ingredients that he had. Once he was done he just waited for the Supernatural fandom to come in with his salt. He sure was taking his time but a fandom was creeping up on Hetalia. The fandom hugged Hetalia from behind and the two nearly fell.

"Hey Heta!" It was Homestuck. "How's my moirail?"

"I'm doing good!" Hetalia laughed. "How are you?"

"Great!" Homestuck sat down next to Hetalia. "Though Supernatural got his salt back."

"Ah yeah I know." Hetalia smiled. "I talked to him about it."

"What'd he say?" Homestuck asked. "Did he talk shit?"

"No." Hetalia chuckled. "I just asked for something."

"And what was that?" Homestuck asked once again.

"His salt." Hetalia answered. "I need it for the desserts that I'm making and he's going to help me." 

"Heta he's going to throw that salt at me!" Homestuck whined. "Why do you need his help anyway? You have me!"

"You're...not so good at helping..." Hetalia softly said. "Don't feel bad though! You can be the first to eat the desserts!"

"Alright!" Homestuck smiled with excitement. "That sounds good! I'll be out in the cafeteria socializing for once! When your done just tell me!"

Hetalia nodded and smiled.

Let's see what the Supernatural fandom is doing...

The Supernatural fandom started walking to the kitchen with his salt in his hands. While walking he bumped into once of his good friends.

"Hey Doctor Who!" Supernatural called out. "Wait up!"

The Doctor Who fandom turned around smiling. This fandom is the oldest. His show has been going on for a little over 50 years I believe. Yes he is VERY old. He doesn't mind being called old at all, he feels honored really. He is still alive after all these years. Though he looks so young for his age but he's VERY thankful for that. 

"Hey Nat!" Doctor Who smiled cheerfully.

"Where's Sherlock?" Supernatural asked looking around.

"I'm going to his room right now actually." Doctor Who answered. 

"I'm....right here actually." A voice from behind them said. "Hey."

"Oh hey Sherlock." The two said smiling opening their arms for a hug.

"I don't do hugs." Sherlock dodged them.

"Aw come on Sherlock!" Supernatural grabbed him and hugged him. "Come on in Doctor Who."

"This is what friends do." Doctor Who smiled.

"We're wasting time you know." Sherlock tried to get out of their grip. "Ugh...this is ridiculous."

"Alright let's go now." Supernatural let go and started walking.

The fandom that refused to get a hug was Sherlock. He really isn't one to socialize really but he managed to be friends with Supernatural and Doctor Who some how. Sherlock is the one with the least amount of episodes and seasons. That sounds horrid I know but he manages somehow.

"So what were you doing?" Supernatural asked.

"Just reading." Sherlock answered. "The library makes me happy."

"Happy?" Supernatural and Doctor Who said at the same time.

"Yes." Sherlock chuckled. "I too have emotions."

"Wow nice to know." Supernatural laughed.

Supernatural was in the middle Sherlock and Doctor Who were on the sides of him. As they were walking fandoms looked at them for a bit and sort of avoided them.

"Why do people avoid us?" Doctor Who quietly asked.

"They're nervous." Sherlock simply said.

"Why?" Supernatural chuckled.

"We are Superwholock." Sherlock said. "They probably think we're douchey and are intimidated by us."

"What makes them think that way-" Supernatural was interrupted by someone bumping into him.

"Oh sor-" The fandom got cut off.

"Watch it will you!" Supernatural glared. "Do you not have eyes?! Who the fuck are you anyways?"

The fandom just stood there embarrassed as everyone stared and then they just walked off.

"Rude much." Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Not answering your question. Pathetic."

"Hey Sherlock!" A fandom ran up to him. "I need help with this riddle!"

"Oh alright..." Sherlock took a look. "You really can't solve it? It's fairly simple really. A child could solve it. Let me ask you, how low is your IQ?"

"Oh..." The fandom then just slowly walked away.

"This is why other fandoms find us intimidating and douchey." Doctor Who sighed. "Alright come on guys."

The three fandoms continued on their walk to the kitchen before they do anything else to upset others.

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