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Stop signs, denied. Everyone tells me I gotta go slow

Joshua, Anthony, Noah, and Matthew were talking about Mari's Instagram post

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Joshua, Anthony, Noah, and Matthew were talking about Mari's Instagram post.

"Who are we working on getting together?" Noah asked, looking at his phone.

"Text her!" Anthony suggested. Joshua began to text the group chat.

Joven👓🙆🏼‍♂️: What the hell were you talking about in your ig post?

Mari🌮😊: Ian, I've got the perfect girl for him! Plus someone else

Liv👻👩🏻: we'll tell you bout that one later

Noah🤢👦🏼: Ian has a girlfriend

Mari🌮😊: crap! I forgot!

Anthony🍆🕺🏼: actually, she broke up with him a couple days ago

Liv👻👩🏻: really?????

Mari🌮😊: this is perfect!!

Noah🤢👦🏼: who is the girl?

Liv👻👩🏻: Celina my bridesmaid

Mari🌮😊: she's gonna dance with him bcuz Adeline wants to dance with Lcorn

Sohinki😤👴🏼: sounds great! Who's the two?

Liv👻👩🏻: I'll tell you guys later, we have to go!

"So, we'll tell everyone other than Sohinki about him and Court!" Mari said. Olivia nodded.

"This is gonna be a double set up! Double match making!" She squealed. The two hugged.

"What's with all of the excitement?" Celina asked, coming into the room with a movie and popcorn.

"Just excited that I'm getting married tomorrow!" Olivia exclaimed. Celina chuckled and gave the girls the popcorn.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, bright and early!" She said before leaving. Mari turned to the future bride.

"Are we sure that Ian will like her?" She asked. Olivia scoffed at her question.

"Any dude would jump at the opportunity to sleep with a hot young Brazilian girl!" She told the Japanese. Mari shrugged.

"Ian is the kind of guy who's looking for someone to settle down with, to start a family with," she said. The Chinese girl frowned.

"Don't tell me this is going to be like The Rebound?" She begged to no one in particular.

"What's that?" Mari asked. Olivia sighed then began to explain the plot of the movie.

"Oh! Can we watch The Rebound?" She asked. The bridesmaid shrugged and Olivia put the movie on. "I love this movie!"

Anthony was sitting outside, looking at the stars. Ian came over and sat with him.

"How are you?" He asked. The groom shrugged.

"Nervous. I'm marrying the girl of my dreams," Anthony told his best friend. Ian nodded. "I've just been thinking, maybe the age difference is getting to her."

"What age difference? She's only a couple years younger than you!" He exclaimed. Anthony sighed.

"Six years to be exact," he mumbled. Ian looked down at his hands.

"Age is just number. If you really love her, and she really loves you, then it doesn't matter!" He explained. Anthony smiled and looked at his friend.

"Thanks Ian," he said. The two hugged before Ian left Anthony alone once again.

Olivia woke up to her phone going off. She picked it up almost right away.

"Hello?" Olivia asked in a raspy voice. She heard a light chuckle on the other end.

"We're getting married today," Anthony whispered on the phone. Olivia smiled. She looked at he wall clock to see it was 12:05.

"Yes we are!" Olivia smiled. She could tell that Anthony was blushing. She just knew he was.

"I know we aren't supposed to be talking, but I needed to hear your voice!" He explained.

"I'm glad you called," Olivia said. "I miss you!"

"I miss you too!" He told her.

"Today is gonna be hectic!" The Asian exclaimed quietly. Anthony laughed lightly.

"It'll be even harder trying to set up people at the same time!"

"Well, Courtney and Sohinki shouldn't be hard, but Celina and Ian might be," Olivia said. Anthony's jaw dropped.

"Sohinki and Courtney were the others you were talking about?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think they'll make a great couple!"

"I love you," Anthony said with a smile. Olivia bit her lip as her cheeks turned pink.

"I love you too!"

too young ➖Ian Hecox➖*Match Makers 3*Where stories live. Discover now