6: Dicussions

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Jungkook cuts in finally.

"Are you kidding me!? Making a mute kid cry!" Jungkook says, anger slowly building up.

"He can't even get the courage to speak, why should I care?" Jinyoung spits right back.

"How do you know what he has gone through to be this way? Because it clearly wasn't for fucking leisure of not speaking!" Jungkook grits his teeth as he is ready to whack the smirk right off of his face.

"Who knows, and who cares?" Jinyoung says as if this doesn't matter, with a little shrug at the end and rolling his eyes, classic bad boy.

"You aren't worth my time, let's go Jimin," Jungkook says sternly as he pulls him away to go back to Taehyung at the table.

As Jimin stands there frozen and crying, Jungkook pulls him towards him, into a hug. Jimin just stood there, crying on the younger's shoulders, whilst Jungkook rubbed his back up and down, for comfort.

"Jimin, hey, it's fine, none, and let me say, none of what he said was true!" Jungkook exclaims in a serious tone, grabbing Jimin's shoulders, and shaking them gently, while saying this. After this, Jimin grabs Jungkook tightly and lays his head onto Jungkook's chest, hearing his steady heartbeat. As they stayed like that for a few minutes, Jimin finally gained composure and Jungkook gently pulled him back to the lunch table, with a confused Taehyung, and a red, puffy eyed and tear stained Jimin. As the two sit, Jungkook faces Jimin toward himself and gently takes his thumb and wipes his tears away as Jimin quickly grabbed his phone to type in, "Thank you".

"No need to thank me, I'm here for you, and so is Taehyung, we will protect you, always." Jungkook said to comfort him.

"So.." Tae pauses "Can I know what happened? I'm kind of clueless here." Tae awkwardly butts in. Jimin then grabs his dry erase board because he would rather write it out for everyone to understand.

"Jinyoung happened." 

"Ohhh." Taehyung breathes out. "Some advice Jungkook, he is a part of the bad boy group, GOT7, I would not get in their way, unless you can challenge them, which I have no doubt that you can do." He then says as a warning.

"But I'm pretty sure you've just made it on their bad side." Jimin writes with a nervous expression.

"Oh fuck that then, I can handle them." Jungkook says nonchalantly.

"Trust me, you can't handle seven of them, well except Bam Bam, Jackson, and Mark, they don't like getting included in the drama, but I'd lay low for now." Tae says warning him, also not really wanting to get into any drama. But being friends with Jimin is already almost signing up for it, because you're friends with someone who doesn't verbally speak.

After that the lunch bell rings and they continue on the rest of the day. It may not have been the greatest first day, but it could've been worse. To a lot of people who have noticed Jimin and even to Tae it seems as if he has gotten even more fragile and emotional over the summer. There was nothing that could've caused this, could there? Tae hung out with Jimin all summer, it's not like he had problems with his parents, from what Tae knew, Jimin didn't have any parents as they died at a young age.

After school Jimin and Jungkook walk back to their dorm.

As Jungkook went to reach for his key, he realized he left it in the dorm as they were in a rush out of the dorm this morning. "Ah- Hyung... do you have your key? I forgot mine." Jungkook admits rubbing the nape of his neck. Jimin luckily pulls his key out and flashes it in Jungkook's face as he doesn't feel like pulling his phone out to text him. Jungkook face washes over in relief.

Now that they are able to walk in, they put their stuff by the door.

"Hey, Jimin." Jungkook calls out to him as he receives a notification on his phone from Jimin. 'I still have to get used to the whole 'not speaking' thing'

"Yes, Kookie?" Jimin texts back.

"I'm making some tea, want some?" He just texts instead.

"Sure!" Jimin exclaims through text, tea is his favorite beverage, especially in the flu season.

While they're waiting for the kettle to whistle, they sit on the couch and turn on the tv.

"Hyung?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes?" Jimin texts.

"Let's get to know each other better." Jungkook suggests.

"Ok... just nothing too personal for now." Jimin had to add that end part just in case.

"Don't worry, I think I know a little more now, sorry for those instances." Jungkook says, then apologizing for the other times when he accidentally got a little to personal.

"Thanks, but it's good, I'm going to have to be able to handle those questions sooner or later." Jimin texts, hesitantly reaching his arms out to touch Jungkook's hand in reassurance.

"So, let's start off simple, what is your favorite color? Mine is black." Jungkook says, gripping onto Jimin's hand, kind of blushing as the contact.

"Mine is light blue. My turn for question now, what is your favorite movie? Mine is The Incredible Hulk." Jimin texts, as super hero movies are his favorite.

"Really! Mine is Iron Man! I love super hero movies also!." Jungkook says grabbing Jimin's other hand and shaking both of them like a little child. "My turn, I want to get a tiny bit more personal, but not asking about your background, is that ok?" Jungkook says, wanting to make sure it won't be too personal, but enough to shy away from these silly little questions.

"I guess it depends on what it is. I will tell you if it gets too personal, I guess the more personal questions are sometimes a better key in getting to know the person." He texts and locks eye contacts with Jungkook.

"Ok!" Jungkook says, and was about to go on, but was interrupted by the whistle of the kettle. "Umm, excuse that thought for a second, we can continue on after I make the tea" He says then getting up to make the tea, leaving Jimin there to sit and wonder.

'What was he going to ask?'


Sorry, it's been like two weeks 😬 I've been extremely busy with school and my extra curricular activities.

I will try updating more! That was my New Years resolution this year 😅 it was to write when I want to and not force myself to write, but still get more chapters out.

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