Chapter 2. The day after

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If you want to get more in the scene, read the chapter with this song as BGM. It's the one I listened to while writing.

Kit's point of view

I wake up feeling happy even though it looks as if it is going to rain very soon. I eat my breakfast and wait for Beam to come and pick me up to go to class.

K: Good morning Ai'Beam

B: Good morning to you. Why you're so happy today?

K: I don't feels like it's going to be a good day.

B: Okay...if you say so.

K: I was thinking that yesterday we had a lot of fun; we should hang out again with Pha and the other guys from our faculty.

B: That's true, but Pha will bring his boyfriend from the Engineering faculty.

K: Oh, wait, yesterday I saw Ming.

B: I was with you, where you blind by his beauty so you forgot about that?

K: Idiot! I didn't mean at the mall. He was in front of my dorm standing in the rain. I thought that something happened to him so I ran to him.

B: Do you find him interesting now?

K: No way! Maybe in a thousand, no in a million years.

B: Really?

K: Yeah! Be serious now, he looked a little bit down...did something happen with Yo?

B: I don't know, ask it to his P'Pha.

K: I'll talk with him later. Oh, of course, it's just because I want to gossip.

B: Yeah yeah.

We start laughing and we get to our faculty. The morning classes finish very quickly and during the pause between classes, I talked with Pha about Ming and Yo.

P: Yo didn't tell me anything so I guess everything is ok between those two.

K: Oh, maybe I overthought.

P: Wait, now I remember that Wayo mentioned that yesterday Moonwan, Ming's ex-girlfriend texted him.

K: Really?

P: Yeah, so maybe he was thinking about her and their past and got a little bit sad.

K: Maybe that's true.

P: But I'll tell what happened to Yo so we can know what happened.

K: It's not that important. I don't want to know that.

P: You don't want, but now I'm curious so I'll ask.

While we were eating lunch I couldn't help but think about Ming and Moonwan. How did she look like? She would definitely be a pretty and cute girl with big eyes all sparkling for his Ming. If he was really sad because of her, it means that she broke up with him, and if it's like that why she texted him again now? Did Ming really love her? I had a lot of questions running through my mind and while I was coming back to class I see Ming. He waves at me and I walk towards him.

M: P'Kit.

K: Hi Ming. How are you? Do you have a fever?

M: If I had a fever, I wouldn't be here, right?

K: Right.

M: By the way, I'm fine.

K: That's good. Why were you there yesterday?

M: Why do you want to know?

K: Nothing, I want to talk about something.

M: Don't you have a class to attend P'? Your friends are waiting for you.

He points somewhere behind my shoulders, I turn around and I see Pha and Beam waiting for me and pointing to the clock to say that's time to go.

K: You're safe, for now.

I run to my friends and we go to our class. As the lesson finished, we wanted to go to the mall to buy some things for a project that the teacher asked us to do. We get out of the building to see that it started heavily raining. Today too. Pha went to the engineering building to pick up Wayo and I Beam left early because he had some business to take care of. He said he will come and get me at my dorm. I look at the rain and I think that I have to wait for it to stop to go to my room. Usually, I have a little umbrella in my backpack, but maybe the last time that rained, I forgot to put it back in there. As I was waiting, Ming comes towards me with the umbrella that I landed him and he gives it to me.

M: Take it. I don't need it and it's yours.

K: You take it. It's pouring down a lot and you don't have another umbrella.

M: Don't worry, I told you I don't need it.

K: I will wait, the rain is going to stop soon anyway. Take the umbrella with you or you will get wet more than yesterday.

M: Can you please stop worrying about me? If I told you that it's not a problem, take your umbrella and go home.

K: Ok, but don't get mad at me.

M: I'm mad because you're always stubborn and you don't listen to what the others say.

K: Fine. Give me my umbrella.

I take the umbrella from his hand and he goes away under the rain without looking back even once. He is a little bit strange in this period or maybe he has always been like that and I am noticing it now.

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