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She nodded at my response and got up from her chair. She laid her utilities down.

"You want some water? I'm going to get some myself. I'm thirsting if I have to be honest," she said with a slight chuckle.

I shook my head.

"I'll be back in a minute," she said with a small smile.

She closed the door with a slight 'bum'. I took out my phone only to be met with my notifications being spammed. I sighed.

I unlocked it and swiped around my homescreen for a little while until she came back.

She walked back to her chair and sat her glass of water on the small table next to her as she was about to sit down.

"So," she started. She took a slurp of her water and picked up her notebook. "What happened then?"

"Jin and Yoongi were both the best and the worst influence on me," I said. "They got me out of my awkward shell and made me become more extroverted. They destroyed my books and dragged me with them to more parties. My grades became disastrous because of them, but my popularity steadily increased. Soon, everyone knew my name."


After that day in the cafeteria, we bumped into them on countless occasions. In the hallway, in the bathroom, in the cafeteria, wherever you'd imagine those two to be. 

We met with them more and more often and soon we became almost inseparable. Hoseok and Yoongi quickly became best friends despite not having a lot in common, other than the enjoyment of each others company. Jin and I could relate to each other a lot more than I originally had thought, coming from completely different backgrounds.

What Hoseok and I first realised later on in our newly formed friendships with them was the fact that they were one of the most popular duos at school, only coming in second to Baekhyun and Chanyeol. What we failed to realise at the time was the reason why they were as popular as they were. 

Or at least I did.


We were sat at a table at a small diner further down the now snow-clad street. Hoseok sat beside me, with Jin and Yoongi at the other side of the rectangular table and with small dishes in front of us. The three had already eaten most of what Jin had ordered for us all four.

"Joonie, why aren't you eating anything? You usually love meat." Jin suddenly asked me.

I shrugged.

"I don't know hyung, I'm just not hungry."

He looked at me before nodding and continuing with eating the dish. 

"It's really good though, you're missing out," he added.

Yoongi hadn't said a word since the food had been put on the table. He was busy texting while eating his bowl of ramen, his expression hard and concentrated, yet soft and pure at the same time.

Hoseok did what Hoseok usually did and had his dishes almost up in his face.

I played with the wet coaster under my half-empty glass of cola, waiting for us to leave this sketchy place.

When we had entered the diner, Jin had told the guy behind the counter to get to his "usual table", which meant letting the guy allow us to sit at a worn-down wood table with matching chairs in the northeast corner of the diner, furthest away from everything.

It felt slightly off.

Hoseok placed his empty bowl down with a loud 'cling' and my eyes shot up from the table.

"When's round two, hyung?" he asked with a laugh.

Yoongi rolled his eyes behind his phone screen and so did I. Jin laughed with him as the only one.

"Round two is going to be out of your own pocket though if you're alright with that," he said.

"Ah hyung," Hoseok started and scratched his neck. "I don't think I'm that hungry anyway then..." he answered sheepishly, which earned wholeheartedly laughter from the whole table.

"You can take mine," I said and pushed my dish towards him. He picked it up at the speed of light and the bowl's contents were gone almost as quickly as well.

"Thank you," he said with his mouth full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full of food, I thought your mother taught you that Hobi," Yoongi muttered.

Yoongi's phone vibrated and a smile appeared on his face.

"Guys, guess who just got us an invitation to the party Baekhyun is holding next Sunday," he said proudly.

Jin' mouth stood agape and Hoseok put his bowl down.

"How?" Hoseok asked.

"I've got my connections," he said with his mischievous grin.

"Don't we have exams on Monday though?" I asked concerned.

Yoongi chuckled and leaned over the table to have a hold of my hands.

"Joonie, everything isn't about grades. You have to live a little sometimes."

"Besides, you can just pay the school to give you better grades," Jin added.

"Some of us don't have money enough for that, Jin," Yoongi said.

"It's worth a try with even 10000 won, you never know how desperate the secretary at the school office is," Jin said.

Yoongi turned his head in Jin' direction.

"That's absolutely idiotic in all possible ways."

"Did you just talk informally to me?"

I looked at Hoseok and we held an awkward eye contact for the few moments that Jin was busy scolding Yoongi.

Never had I seen Jin so playfully mad, but then again, I hadn't really known him for that long either.

Yoongi turned his attention back to me.

"I expect to see you there. It's going to be a night that'll change your life."

"You too, Hobi, even though I know you wouldn't miss it for a thing in the world," he added before the man behind the desk told us we had to leave if we had finished our food.


A/N: Sunday Sunday, here again in tidy attire...
New chapter for y'all! It's alright; quite happy about the conversations in it though. I feel like my writing is slowly getting better too, it's wonderful.

Hope you've enjoyed this chapter and see you all next week :-)


Btw: I've gotten addicted to the new BTS Superstar app. This is not an ad but if you like rhythm games I can't recommend it enough! It's a solid 9/10 in my book (literally lmao)

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