Just Realized: I'm Not Alone. - Part II

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I knew I could do this, I just had to spill it out.

"Um, to be truthful, my dad died when I was 12." I said. They whipped their heads to look at me. "Oh no," Ethan murmured. "I'm so sorry." Gray took my hand. "It's not your fault, you don't have to sympathize. But it was a harsh time for me. Dad and I were really close. My birth mother passed away giving birth to me, and my dad was left with a baby girl who he could not father alone, so he used the help of his younger sister, my Aunt Bianca. 

"Aunt B married this guy and moved to New Jersey with him, so Dad was left with me. For two years, my dad had to struggle with being a police officer and a dad. Luckily, he met a woman, who right now is my adoptive mother, Bella. Her boyfriend of five years left her too, with a three year old boy. So I got a mother, and Dad got a wife. 

"Of course, it ended. My mom was a prostitute, and one day she got drunk, she slept with a guy and got pregnant. When Dad realized what happened, he turned his back on her, but never asked her to abort. Stacie was born, and she, Jo and mom became a team, whereas Dad and I became another. Dad and my mom didn't get a divorce because of financial problems. Twelve years later of living in a civil disturbance, something strange happened to me."

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Narrator's P.O.V from 2010:

"So, I was thinking, why don't we run away?" he said. Dwayne and George were sitting in the porch, eating white sauce pasta and mac and cheese. The younger George looked at him. Her bright blue eyes were becoming darker, a sign that the weather was gonna turn cold. "Hmm?" he asked. "Dad," she replied, "How about mom? Jo, Stacie... how about them?". She ran her hands through her hair. She had a good point. Even though he thought she was going to say yes, she still had a pretty good point. How about them? These four years he had been waiting for an opportunity like this, yet she still had a point. Even though he wasn't close to  them, they were still family.

But.. were family supposed to be treating him like this? Ever since Bella had had a child of not his own, he felt nothing towards her, unlike when they were in love. He only wanted two children, now they had another. Stacylin Spears was an indefinitive part of him. Yet treating her badly wasn't something he wanted to rely on. Moving away from his family with the only daughter he loved was reliable, though. And thus he wasn't going to give up. "But George, think about it. We could live anywhere you would like. Dubai, London, Ireland," he said. She loved Ireland. She was half-Irish half-British anyway. Still she had an American accent, looked American, breathed American and considered herself American.

"Yeah, but you think about it. We might not fit here, but they still are a part of my life. Something I could never go away from. Especially Stacie." she said. "Stacie, Stacie, Stacie, stop thinking about her! Your mother is perverted enough to not throw her away to her actual father." he said, feeling a little impatient. "Dad, come on, you know I love you, but she's ten! She has to have a life. And we need the money. That's what we're here for." she said. Why isn't she understanding? He thought she was the one who would understand him, out of all the others. He grew more impatient. "George, stop being immature." he said a little firmly. But she wasn't daunted. She never is, and never will be. "Dad, you stop being immature. Get a life and stop dreaming about things that will never happen." she said, in that calm and gentle voice which he always looked forward to listening. But this wasn't that time.

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"And so, an argument broke out. I don't know how, but it lasted for weeks." It was 6:00 already. An hour of my story telling. "Months, really. We didn't talk, we didn't look at each other, and everything was going out really bad. Stacie apparently heard us, and she started crying. I immediately went to her room and comforted her. She kept saying that dad hated her. His life was ruined because of her. And then the next day, Jo talked to me, like, brother-to-sister kind. And we became closer day by day.

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