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A while later, after finishing off pur food and stuff, we went back to just sitting on the couch, talking about the differences in the house after I move in.

"But guys, when are we leaving for the challenge?" I asked. "Uh, the tickets are for the day after tomorrow, so you and Gray will be leaving for fucking Hawaii on Sunday," he said.

"I don't have any Hawaii based shirts. And I'm not going shopping," I said. "Meh, you can use mine, I have dozens anyway," Ethan said. I smiled up gratefully at him.

"But most importantly, do you have your bikinis?" Gray asked, wriggling his eyebrows up and down. "Ooooh," Ethan smiled. I rolled my eyes. "A surfboard, bathing suits, Ethan's clothes, my laptop, phone, iPod, guitar, PJ's, and Grayson Bailey Dolan," I said, and Ethan pointed at Gray and laughed.

"Wait, so we have to have no connection at all?" I asked. Ethan nodded his head no. "Yeah, I mean, if you came with me, I would let you talk to Gray," Ethan shrugged.

I laughed. "Thanks Ethan, but Hawaii sounds better than you," I said. Ethan fake pouted. "Oh man, I'm missing you already," I said, and put my head on his lap. Gray tickled me again. "Stop it, will you?" I shouted at him, and then laughed again.

The day just went faster than ever, Ethan stroking my hair and Gray trying to tickle me all the time. "Can you show your face for the fans?" Gray asked. "Okay, but not my face. I'll just hold the camera up to my face and you take the picture." I said. Gray shrugged and took it. "Aye, something NOT RELEVANT AND VERY SURPRISING IS HAPPENING. GEORGE IS GOING TO LIVE WITH US." he said, typing and saying it out loud. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissed his cheek and smiled as he laughed and posted it.

"All right, go pack, I'll take some of your stuff to your new apartment," he said, waving his hands in the air for no reason that made me laugh. He picked up my bed stand with a few of my pictures in it.

It was really heavy, but he picked it up like it was no big deal at all. Until he screamed, "This is way too heavy!". I laughed to myself, and packed up the only few not-too-body-revealing bikinis that Gray and Eth said they liked. But pfft, like I care what he likes on me. I'm not gonna go around putting on whatever Ethan and Gray like on me.

Ethan threw me some of his clothes from his closet that were cool. I packed those up. My guitar, of course, was inside a case that the twins offered to sign for me, although that wasn't necessary.

The twins surf longboards and I surf short board, so we had to just put them in their case. I packed up a few shorts and PJ's and by the time I finished packing, Ethan and Gray were trying to shift my bed already.

"Oh my God, are you going to empty the apartment already?" I asked. "Shut up and help us," Ethan said. I laughed and helped them shift the bed too. I took down a few of my pictures. I didn't notice, but the pictures of Leo and everyone were still there on my wall.

I left them, the sting of what happened that night was just too hard.

Rewind to the afternoon that my mom told me to leave Florida. Before I left for the cab to go to Texas, my friends confronted me. They asked me what was up. I broke down and told them I had to leave.

They asked me the reason, but out of the five people in front of me Amelia was the only fucking person who hugged me and told me to calm down.

After that we had an argument on why no one ever cared about me and the fact that I was crying. So I punched Leo since he forcefully asked me to tell what was going on and I just stormed out of the room.

The three weeks I stayed in Texas were the worst three weeks of my life. Of course, there was the time when dad died... but thats not relevant. I've never had any friends like Grethan. So that's why I loved them a lot.

"Why do you zone out so much?" Ethan asked as me picked me up and slung me across his shoulder. "Noooo!" I screamed and kicked his stomach, which was the only thing that my leg could reach.

"I'm strong as fuck, George, no one can defeat the greatness that is Ethan Dolan!" he screamed. Gray ran towards us and crashed into Ethan's back. "Grayson Dolan defeated the dickface that is Ethan Dolan!" he shouted.

I tickled Gray waist and he fell off from me. I stood up, one leg on Ethan and the other on Gray. They held my ankles and lifted me up.

"George Spears turns out victorious! Standing on the bitches that she defeated, George's hair blows in the wind as she bites on a remaining piece of pizza!" I said, biting on a pizza. Ethan and Grayson started laughing, and I laughed too, as they put me down.

"You're so flexible," Gray said. "I mean, we literally lifted you up by the ankles and you didn't even move!" he said. Well, I was level 9 in Gymnastics, so, yeah, I am pretty flexible. My bed went to the same place that Ethan had his bed on. 

I helped Gray pack, and then the usual, just talking, laughing and doing crazy stuff. We went to the building's main office and told the receptionist about the changes. She was kind of reluctant, but we beat her down, and she let me move in with them.

The next day I woke up really early, brushed my teeth quickly and woke up Gray too, excited but also kind of sad because we were leaving Ethan for a week, and that honestly felt like ages for me too. I was still kind of sleepy, so I went to Ethan's room and slept beside him for a while.

His arms tightened around my waist and I put mine on around his neck. "I'm going to miss you so much," he mumbled in my ear. "Me too," I said, closing my eyes. He smile-laughed and broke off of the hug.

"So how's the car doing?" I asked. "I'm just going to go today to check up on it. You'll have to stay here though." he said. I nodded. He got up, and I did too, but I jumped on his back.

He laughed and carried me piggy bank style to the living room. Gray came out of the bathroom, and sat on the couch next to me and Ethan. I was still hugging him my legs wrapped around his waist, and he was still hugging me, laughing into my neck.

"Gosh, when will you guys stop being all mushy?" Gray asked. "Well, he's your brother, you're supposed to be hugging him," I said, breaking off. "Why aren't you hugging me?" Gray asked me. "Because I'll be seeing you for a week without Ethan. We can spend a lot of time together then," I said. 

Fast forward our trip to the airport. I got dressed in some shorts and Ethan dark blue hoodie. We hugged Ethan goodbye and I honestly couldn't leave him.

We had one last group hug, and we did all the normal airport stuff and got into the plane, and I shot Gray's reaction to sitting in a plane the first time without Ethan.

I slept on Gray's shoulder for a while and then we talked randomly. Honestly, I've never had a better time with Gray. But I was still missing Ethan a lot. Gray slept on my shoulder until we reach Hawaii.

We got off the flight, and our hands interlocked, and I looked up at him and smiled, finding him smiling back at me. I moved a little closer to him, and our shoulders touched.

I put my arm around his waist and he put mine around my shoulder. We walked and talked like that for a long time, and I had no idea that we looked relationship goals type.



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