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That night was one my favorite nights ever. My waist was literally trapped under Ethan's muscular arms and Gray's chest became the place I had my head on for the entire time. In the morning, Gray woke up before us and kissed me on my head before leaving. I was half-awake, but Ethan wasn't up yet.

"What's the time?" I asked Gray. "Uh, 1:00 p.m." he said, and tickled my neck. "Wake up now," he said, laughing lightly. He was on sleepy mode anyway, so he sat on the bed for a while and then got up and left, saying that he would eat some cereal. 

I slowly turned towards Ethan and put my arms around his neck.  But Ethan and Grayson were doing everything that friends should be doing. I smiled on that thought and buried my face under Ethan's neck.

"Good morning," Ethan mumbled. He must've been half-awake too. I looked at him and smiled. I didn't wish him 'cause I don't say good morning a lot. "Well?" he raised his eyebrows. "Well, what?" I asked.

"Your not going to wish me back?" he asked. I laughed and put my forehead on his chest. We stayed like that for a pretty long time. Ethan stroked my hair, saying that it was really soft, and I laughed again.

"Hey, I have this thing. See, Gray had done so much for me, so I thought that I could do something nice for Grayson. How does that feel?" he asked me. "Uh, go on," I said, getting up.

"What if I get Grayson his dream car?" he asked. I stared at him with a shocked face. "Is that a good idea?" he asked. "Dude, of course it's a good idea! But what are you going to get him?" I asked. "I'll tell you. We can go today, right? For getting the car, I mean?" he asked. I nodded. I mean, that's really sweet of Ethan.

So, anyway, fast forward a week. Everything was fine, and I used to rarely think about Stacie and that shit. Me and Eth went out to get Gray his car, which would take about 5 months or so. I couldn't wait to tell Gray about it. I'm really bad at keeping secrets.

So, we watched another horror at like, 3:00 and so the guys stayed over. Gray woke up early, and Eth was still beside me.

"Hey guys, wake up already!" Gray said, coming out of nowhere. "What?" I asked, not wanting to get out of bed. "You had a wall that was plain," Gray said. 


"So, I spray painted it," he said. "And it came out really well." Gray grinned tickling me and Ethan. "Get up!" he shouted. I sighed and got up, and he caught my hand and pulled me towards my living room.

I looked at the wall and laughed. "You have to be kidding me, that is so rude," I said. "No one is gonna come to you house anyway, so I figured I would just do it," he said. "All your walls are so creative, and there was this one blue wall completely empty, so I did it," he said.

It was fully covered in black and had a white borderline. In the middle, white spray painted low case letters wrote 'bow down, peasants.'

Ethan came out of my room, his hair tossed to the left. He laughed after looking at the wall and high-fived Gray. "Okay, our house, brunch!" Gray shouted.

"Um, Caprese Stuffed Avocados?" I asked. "No, noodles!" Ethan said. We ordered noodles from a Chinese restaurant and we ate brunch together. I dug around their food cabinet and found some donuts lying in a corner, and of course I ate it.

Then I went back home and filled out some application forms for school and practiced more on my guitar. At one point I sang idly and played random chords until I put my guitar aside and decided that I was practicing too much, so I went over to the Dolans'.

I do that everyday. You just can't get enough of them. I was just going to close the door when Ethan screamed and carried me to the living room. "Will you stop doing that, dickface?" I shouted at him as he threw me on the couch. "We need your opinion," Gray asked, poking my sides with his index fingers. I hit his arm.

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