The Contest

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"Nathalie, what's the contest you were talking about?"
Nathalie sighed and furiously scrolled upwards on her tablet for a solid thirty seconds before reaching the information about it. "Attendance at the contest is mandatory for your school system. It will be filmed, and your father wants you to do an act of some sort wearing a new design, to promote it (of course). He has left it up to you to decide, but since entries opened up a few days ago, some slots will already be filled, so your choices may be limited." Thoughts raced through Adrien's head as he contemplated what he was going to do.
Nathalie glanced down at her red watch. "It is time for you to go to school." Adrien cleaned up his breakfast tray and gathered up his things, running out to the limousine. This is going to be a long day, he thought.
~~A school day later~~~
Alright! Now, before class is dismissed, I'm reminding everybody that now is one of the last days to sign up for the contest. Your attendance is mandatory, of course, but you have a chance to be a part of it, too!" Miss Bustier tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear and walked back to her desk, smiling. A murmur went through the classroom as some students whispered about what their ideas were.
Ivan finally stood up and walked over to the sheet, pen in hand. "What? Aww, this isn't fair!" He exclaimed. Miss Bustier peered over at the sheet, as it was right next to her desk. She shrugged. "Well, I did tell you all about it a few days ago, so you had your chance then." As Ivan sulked back to his seat, Adrien basically jumped out of his and rushed over to the desk. His eyes widened immideately. What am I going to do? I HAVE to do an act, and all that's left are.....couple's duets!?!
By that time, a lot of other kids had crowded around to see what the trouble was- all except for Marinette, who was comforting Ivan about the contest. She's so kind to everyone, Adrien thought to himself, smiling. Marinette walked back to her seat, and catching him smiling at her, she grinned right back and looked to the ground blushing profusely.
"ADRIKINS! What song are we going to sing, then?" Chloé ran over, and right as she was about to drape herself all over him, Adrien jumped back and stood next to Marinette. Feeling fed up with Chloé already, he glanced at Mari. "Uh, I was already planning on asking Marinette to do it with me."
Chloe just stood there in shock, finally marching back to her seat full of rage. Marinette had gone even redder in the face. "Um, what did you-what were you going to ask me?" She questioned. He put his hand on the back of his neck, explaining that his father was making him enter and the only category left was the couple's duet, and he was fed up with Chloe. Mari laughed at the last part. "By now? Everybody is." They chuckled about how crazy Chloe was, before returning to their designated seats.
I can't believe what just happened. I need to pinch myself, Marinette thought when she realized that Adrien was going to be her duet partner, and that HE asked HER!
Meanwhile, Adrien was wondering how to inconspicuously order a 10 pound cheese wheel.
~~~later that day~~~
"Wow, Mari! A duet with Adrien! I can't believe you haven't fainted yet," Alya teased her.
"Yeah, REAL funny Alya."
Soon after, Marinette's friend left to go ask Naudia, a news anchor, for a spot on the news show.
Well, come to think of it, we haven't agreed on a time to practice.I guess I'll text him?! Aaaaahhh, texting ADRIEN!!!! Breathe, Marinette. Breathe.
Marinette pulled her phone out of her purse to text him. Tikki looked up at her, munching on a chocolate chip cookie. Adrien responded a few minutes later.
Marinette: Hey, What time do you want to practice for the contest? I'm free tonight, but anytime works.

Adrien: I'm not doing anything after 7.

Marinette: Okay, where do you want to meet?

Adrien: My father's having a meeting later, so could we practice at your place?

Marinette: Sure, see you later

"Tikki, he's coming to my house!
Help me take down the pictures!"
Marinette ran around her room, stashing any signs of her crush. Suddenly, she got a text.
Text from Adrien: Apparently there are only a few songs left and we have to sign up at the station.
"Oh. Well, I better tell mom and dad where I'm going-" Marinette went down the stairs and informed her parents, before texting Adrien back and heading to the news station.

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