Stranger Love - Chapter Eight

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Stranger Love

Chapter Eight: Jealousy Is the Colour Green

One Year Earlier:

"Anya, honey, will you go home already?"

Anya looked up from wiping down the tables, her hair starting to fall out of its ponytail. "Yeah just one more table,"

"This place is so clean you could eat off the floor, get!" Her Dad nudged her playfully. "You have school tomorrow,"

"I know," Anya replied absently, wiping down the last table before scooping up her homework from the counter. "I finished my homework, so you can stop worrying about that,"

"You need to start focusing on school, cut your hours back here. Your senior year is coming up and your grades are more important than this place," Benny pointed a mildly stern finger at her. He never was that great at the discipline thing, favouring a more relaxed parental approach. Luckily for him, Anya hadn't been much trouble as a kid. "That school in New York is the goal,"

"Don't worry Dad, I will be fine. How long have I been working here whilst going to school? Plus I love this place, it's home," Anya slapped her hand on the plastic counter with gumption.

"Yeah, for now, until you become rich and famous," He grinned at her. "And when you do, just remember who your favourite parent is,"

Anya laughed. "Hey! Poor Mom, I can't have a favourite!"

"Yeah yeah. Keep tellin' yourself that,"

She just rolled her eyes humorously, deciding to ease his worry and head home. Benny ran his hand over his short hair whilst counting the takings for the day, which wasn't much. It always quietened in the diner around this time of year; people favouring staying in their warm homes rather than venturing out in the cold.

Anya paced over to the jukebox, sliding in a coin. Soon Carole King's 'Way Over Yonder' filled the small diner. It was one of his favourites. "There. You have until the end of this song to close up and come home,"

Benny nodded, saluting her. "Yes Ma'am,"

She flashed him one last smile before throwing on her coat and leaving. Anya knew it would take him longer than the four minutes of the song for him to finish, but the sentiment was still the same. It was an old trick he'd used when she was little, when she wanted to stay up with him instead of going to bed.

It was around 10:45pm, half an hour after Anya had arrived home, that the doorbell rang. She thought for a moment it was her Dad. Maybe he had forgotten his keys? But that was very unlikely, her Dad had never forgotten his house keys once.

Patricia answered. Anya, curious, stepped into the hallway, seeing Hopper's looming presence in the threshold. He removed the hat from his head, a solemn expression on his face.

"I'm sorry to have do this...there has been an...incident at the diner,"

"Where is Benny?" Patricia asked sharply, peering around Hopper.

"Your husband...when we found him we tried to help, but it was too late. Patricia, Benny has passed away," Hopper could barely speak, his voice laced with deep sadness.

"What? No. Don't be ridiculous, my husband is at work, he is coming home soon!" Patricia voiced. "Benny? Benny!?" She called, stepping out of the house to find him.

Hopper gently took her arm. "Patricia, I'm sorry, but he isn't coming home,"

"You're lying! You are a liar! Where is Benny? Tell me where he is!" Patricia screamed, her voice an octave higher than normal with distress. Tears were streaming down her pale face, the realisation of Hopper's news hitting her smack in the chest.

Stranger Love [Billy Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now