Stranger Love - Chapter Three

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Stranger Love

Chapter Three: The Strangest Thing

Anya got home from working in Benny's around ten thirty, the air turning slightly cooler as the night had already drawn in. Charles often worked with her until close, unless he decided to take a night off. In any case, the man had been a godsend. He always made sure Anya wasn't overworking, either, but she usually ignored his advice.

Her eyes were drooping as she rounded the corner, glad she was nearly home as all she wanted to do was face plant her bed.

She pulled up to the driveway and her headlights caught the figure of a girl sitting on the small stone wall between the two properties.

Realising it was Maxine, Anya jumped from her car and trotted over to young girl. "Maxine? Are you OK?"

The young redheaded girl just shrugged, a rather forlorn expression on her face. "I'm good. And it's just Max,"

"Ah, right then, Max," Anya was just about to ask her why she was sat outside so late, when loud bellowing filtered from the house next door. She could hear Billy's father roaring like a bear, occasionally the quieter, feminine voice of Susan breaking through two male voices. "They do that a lot?"

Max nodded. "It's usually because of Billy. He's such an asshole."

"He's your stepbrother, right?" Anya asked, planting herself next to the girl.

"Yeah. My Mom met Neil in California and we've been a happy family ever since," Max's voice was laced with sarcasm, her tone sounding too worn out to be one of a child's. Anya wondered how long this sort of thing had been going on for. She knew the damage it could do to a kid to live with parents who were at odds.

"Do you want a doughnut?" Anya voiced, holding out a paper bag full of the sugary treats. Max eagerly grabbed one, sinking her teeth into the soft dough immediately.

"Thanks," She said with her mouth full.

"No worries. There are from my Dad's diner, secret family recipe," Anya tapped the side of her nose.

Max finished off her doughnut in record time, reaching into the bag for another one. "Your Dad was shot, wasn't he? I heard some kids talking about it today at school,"

Anya winced slightly, though hid it from Max, who had started munching her second doughnut and seemed unperturbed by her rather insensitive question. "Yeah...he was. At the diner. Apparently, some people came in to rob the place, my Dad was working late, so they put a bullet in him and took the $40 that was in the til."

"That sucks." Max sighed, licking her fingers one by one. "Didn't think things like that happened in small towns,"

"Me neither," Anya agreed. "It was a bit of shock,"

"Do you miss him?"


The shouting increased in volume, and suddenly Billy burst through the front door, stomping over the porch. He looked furious as he shrugged his black leather jacket on, his bare chest almost gleaming in the moonlight. Anya felt her heart racing, glad it was dark enough so no one could see her blushing.

His eyes found both Anya and Max. "What the fuck are you looking at?" He spat. "Get back inside Max!"

"Alright, you asshole!" Maxine retorted, equally as angry. She stood up, the bag of doughnuts still in her hands. She turned to give them back to Anya.

"No, keep them," Anya muttered. "See you around Max,"

"Bye Anya," The redhead answered mutedly, the door swinging shut with a snap behind her.

Stranger Love [Billy Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now