Stranger Love - Chapter Five

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Stranger Love

Chapter Five: Carpool

Anya had not seen Billy Hargrove since her accident. She spent the next two days recovering in bed, whilst watching the TV her Mom had wheeled into the room. Her car had been written off, so she was now vehicle-less and rather pissed off about it.

Patricia had gone outside to pick up the newspaper and seemed to be taking her time about it. Anya insisted she go back to school, becoming increasingly bored sitting around the house when she felt perfectly fine. She'd had a bit of whiplash and a terrible headache for a while but the painkillers sorted that out for her.

"Anya, sweetie, I have just been talking to Susan outside. She's agreed that Billy can give you a ride to school and back, until you get a new car,"

Anya stopped mid chew of her cereal, staring wide eyed at her Mom, who looked extremely happy with herself. "Are you serious?"

Her Mom sat opposite her at the breakfast table. "Yes, why not? He lives next door, you go to the same school, what's the harm?"

"Jesus Mom! I would rather walk!" Anya had suddenly lost her appetite. The last thing she wanted was to be in such close proximity with that boy, the other night had been bad enough. "Have you seen how he drives?"

Patricia raised an eyebrow. "Who was the one who totalled their car the other night?"

Anya opened her mouth to make a retort but she found herself speechless. God damn it! Her Mom always knew how to put her in her place. "I don't like it." Anya merely grumbled, angrily pushing her cereal around her bowl.

"Well I don't care. I have enough to do without having to ferry you back and forth, so suck it up." Her Mom flashed her an evil grin, enjoying the torture of her one and only daughter.

Gathering her school things together, Anya retreated down the steps of her porch. Billy was already leaning against his car, a rather disgruntled expression on his handsome face. He caught sight of her straight away and blew a cloud of smoke in her direction.

"I give you one ride to the hospital and now you think I drive a cab?" He drawled, chucking his cigarette to the floor and stomping on it with a heavy black boot.

"It wasn't my idea!" Anya said, wanting to make that fact very clear.

"Yeah, well I am not gonna be hanging around for you, you got that?"

Anya rolled her eyes as Max came hurtling down Hargrove's driveway. "Yeah yeah, I got it."

Miserable wasn't the word. Anya let Max clamber into the back before sliding next to Billy, his body heat radiating off him like a space heater. Her heart felt like it was trying to escape her chest cavity. She pictured him skidding to a halt in some deserted part of the road, Anya straddling him and then doing extremely bad things in the front seat of the Camaro.

She mentally shook herself. Why could she not stop imagining his large hands sliding up her bare thighs? His mouth kissing her neck and biting down on her bottom lip...?

Billy turned up Kiss on his stereo, tapping his hands on the wheel in time with the music. Anya enjoyed rock music, in fact, she enjoyed many forms of music. Deciding she needed to focus on something other than the hotness besides her, she reached out and grabbed a few of his cassettes that were scattered at her feet.

There were a few bands she'd heard on the radio recently, then she came across The Doors. She opened the cassette to read the tracks.

"You like the Doors?" Billy asked her as he watched.

"Yes, they are my favourite, apart from Fleetwood Mac,"

"Jesus. You're lucky you like The Doors or I would have to kick you out of my car,"

Stranger Love [Billy Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now