Chapter 13

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"Oh Henry, I love you so much. I don't care about Caleb or your father- we'll be together forever." These words were strange and unheard of when they dispatched from Rose's mouth. I gazed at her with a confusing look, trying to understand why she was acting so strange. The more and more I looked upon her, the stranger her face became. Her skin began to fade into a lighter shade- the same routine for her now blonde hair. Her lips thinned and her eyes smalled, when suddenly she was no longer Rose. She was no longer my dream and my life; she was my nightmare- Charolette.

I woke up in a flash. Sweat surrounded my body and protruded from my skin. Had it all been a dream?? I turned my head to face Thomas, sitting at my bedside. "Thomas??? What are you doing here?" "Sir," Thomas had rested his hand on mine out of worry, and quickly corrected his 'error' by taking his hand off of mine as he spoke. "You've been out for about a day. You were found outside of the slave quarters. A young slave found you and brought you back here. It seems you were attacked by someone or something. Your father is conversing with your doctor as we speak."

I was at a loss for words. This means I passed out after Caleb hit me. None of what Rose and I discussed really happened. "The extent of your injuries are as intensive than they appear." Thomas said as he handed me a mirror from my nightstand. It is evident to me that Caleb didn't stop at punching my face, but continued to attack the rest of my body. My shoulders ached along with my nose, hand, and hip. Bandages and casts covered my skin from head to toe.

"You have a broken nose, a formerly dislocated shoulder, bruised hip, a black eye, and a broken finger on your right hand." As I inspect my injuries, I felt pain run through my body. But this time, the pain wasn't coming from my injuries, but from my heart, spreading the realization that I would not get to be with Rose. I couldn't run away from this terrible life I was given, I couldn't just be with my love.
Thomas interrupted my heartache. "Sir, I'm sorry to disturb your rest, and I promise to leave you in a few moments. However, there is someone here to see you. I think you would be glad to see her. Shall I bring her in?"

My heart jumped in excitement over the thought of seeing Rose. I know she was the one who pulled me home, and I have no doubts she would do what she could to see me. "Yes of course. Bring her in."
Thomas stood up from his seat and made his way to open the door. As he reached for the handle, the door barged open and a stressed out and uptight Charolette stood in the place Rose would be. She rushed to my bedside, pushing Thomas on her way.

"Oh Henry! I was so worried. They said you were near death and I thought I had lost you." She threw herself onto my chest and began to fake sob. I'll admit, it was difficult to refrain from rolling my eyes into the back of my head. "Thomas, help" I strained from the back of my throat. Thomas attempted to declaw Charolette from my body, but when he touched her shoulder, Charolette jumped back and slapped his hands. "Get off of me, you blasting n****r!"
"Charolette! Watch your mouth!" I scolded, flinging her hand off of me. Could she should the hell up?? Why did she have to keep blabbering that word?? It's not that I had never heard it before, but I'd always been...used to it, but now, hearing it from Charolette's mouth infuriated me.

"You have no right, Henry!" She huffed while brushing off her dress with her palms. "I damn well have the right. You do not get to say such things to the people I care about." I was sitting up in my bedding at this point, and the bandages covering my body were somewhat visible. "These are not people Henry. They are the help. Insignificant maids and servants. Why do you care so much?" It was almost frighting to me how much she was saying with Thomas still beside her in the room. I couldn't take it anymore, and I decided to be as frank as I could be. "Do you ever shut the HELL up?! I am getting so SICK of your persistent whining, and we're not even married yet! So could you do everyone a favor and close that yapping hole of yours!"

I had no control of my body anymore, and before I could realize, I was yelling into Charolette's face. Tears brimmed her eyelashes and began to fall into her rouge powdered cheeks. "Leave. Now."
She reached for the door knob behind her, struggling to open the oak door. When she finally opened it, she stood in the entrance in silence. After a moment she spoke, "you will regret this."

The door slammed shut with a creak. With any hope her idea of revenge would be to cancel the wedding. Thomas spoke, rushing to my side in attempts to bring me back to bed. "Sir, I am terribly sorry for causing any distress. If there is anything I could do to make it up to you-" "it's quite alright," I said, stopping him in his tracks. "But there is something you can do for me."


As I headed downstairs following Thomas' footsteps, I couldn't help but think of all of the fragments in my newly created plan. I was to head to Rose's, and we would soon escape before dawn.

And that was all I needed to hear ruin my plans of newly found freedom.

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