Chapter 3

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The abigail and I walked back to the lounging area. The doors to the lounge were now closed, meaning business was going on now. Presuming that father had stayed with Mr. Carson in the lounge to discuss marital arrangements, this would mean both Mrs. Carson and Charolette were in the tea room with father's wife, Elizabeth.

Before entering, I stopped to speak to the maid beside me. "If you tell anyone about my conversation with the woman you saw, I will take care of your place inside. I am very aware that you are much more pleased indoors than pulling cotton in the fields outdoors in the hot and blazing sun. Do not think I will not take away your position if you reveal mine. Do you understand me?" I felt bad for saying what I did. Seeing her head drop down, no longer making eye contact with me, she nodded slowly. What I had said was wrong, yes, but I will not have Rose held accountable for my actions.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door, and waited for a reply. My father had yelled a slightly irritated "Come in, Henry!" Opening the doors, I saw what I expected to see; both my father and Robert sitting across from each other. My father shot me a look which said "we'll talk about how rude you were later." Which by now, I was plenty used to seeing.

"So glad you could finally join us, Henry. We were just on the subject of your upcoming courtship with Miss. Charolette." My father gazed at me then back at Robert, who was smiling ear to ear. "Right, well," Robert began "My daughter is very pleased to get to know you. She has been groomed for this day her entire life. I am confident she would be a wonderful asset to your family; she would not let you down." It took me a moment to realize he was speaking to me. It was sickening. They wanted me to marry a girl I had only met at a party when we were no less than six. I hardly knew her.

"I am sure she is a charming lady, sir. I thank you for thinking of my son when you had a marriage in mind for your daughter. Speaking of, if all goes well, I would hope there would be a wedding in...let's say the month of August?" August?! Are you kidding me? Why, that's only two months away! "That would not be rushing things a bit?" Yes, Robert! That would be VERY rushed! "No I do not believe so. Everything is in a fine order. I believe this is the right decision." Oh no. "Alright. I trust you, Charles." My father almost jumps out of his seat and shakes Robert's hand greedily. "Welcome to the family!" The two begin to laugh as two old friends would over a game of poker.

I cannot believe this is happening. Everything else through the day went in through a blur. Father and I said goodbye to the Carsons soon after the conversation. "Come." He said a moment after the opening doors closed.

I followed him, but I felt as if there was no hope anymore. My future, a life of adventure was gone. We made his way to his office and I sat down in the chair across from him. His desk separated us, which was nice, since I felt like ripping his eyes out.

"Where the hell were you? You do not just walk out of an important meeting like that!" Within moments his once calm and ecstatic voice turned into a raging and horrifying boom filled with anger and frustration. "I am sorry father," I spoke quietly with my head down. "I did not mean to-" "of course you did not mean to. You never mean to, huh?! I am your FATHER. YOU listen to ME! Are we clear?!"
I wanted nothing more to refrain from saying the words my mind was telling me to. With no control, my lips let go of the words "Yes, sir." "Good. Now. You are to be married to Charolette in August." This time I attempted to make an argument "But father what about a courtship? Men my age have not even finished college yet! I am only nineteen!" His eyes sharply stared into mine, filled with anger wanting to be suppressed.

"You do not need to go to college. Your tutor says you are one of his best students yet, and I know you are capable of running the plantation soon, regardless of your age." He said bluntly. "I am only 19!" I repeated, "Men are now waiting until they are well into their twenties before marrying! Who knows if I even like her?" He laughed at my last comment, letting out a deep chuckle. "Like her? You think I like any of my wives? The only thing a woman is good for is obedience. I have searched and searched. I do not care what your opinions on Charolette are anymore. I have set you up with girl after girl, and now it is no longer up to you. Are we clear?" My blood felt like it was boiling. I was so tired of him taking control over my life. "We are clear." I said through much persistence. "Now. Next week Charolette and her parents will be back. You will spend time with her-" "I will no-!" I interrupted "You WILL spend time with her. You will get to know her, so she will accept you as a potential husband. If you ruin this, Henry, I will punish you greatly. Do you understand me?"

I walked out of the room.

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