Part 26 - July 31st 1969

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Lucy laughed.

"No I mean it Lucy love, you're glowing!"

"That's all the pregnancy hormones and sleep I've been having I guess!"

"How are you?"

"I'm good Paul. Look!" She stood up and lifted her nightdress up to reveal her stomach, " Our baby! You can see it now!"

He grinned at her excitement then looked at the clear swell of her stomach. "It's ... you're beautiful!" A tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped it away hurriedly.


"I never expected it to be so emotional, seeing your swollen stomach, but it is! I'm sorry!"

"Don't apologise!" Lucy hugged him again, "I'm glad you feel like that about your baby. I do too!"

"Paul?" Daniel's footsteps could be heard on the stirs, "You OK mate?"

"We're in here dad!" called Lucy, "I was already awake. I heard Paul."

Daniel came into her room and smiled to see Paul and Lucy, their arms around each other. "Well, I'll leave you to your catch up then. Night both of you."

"Night dad!"

"Actually Lucy love," said Paul softly, "I should go. You need your rest and the driving has tired me out anyway."

"Oh." Lucy's heart sank, "I thought you wanted to catch up?"

"Oh I do sweetheart but not now." He hugged her, "I'm in the studio tomorrow from 9am. Call round if you're free. I'll be on my own."

"What time?"

"I was going to stay until about 1pm then head home, so whenever or I'll ring you when I'm back."

"OK, I'll do that." She stood up with him. "I'll come and see you out then Paul."

They walked down the stairs together.

"Night Daniel!" Paul called from the hall before turning to Lucy, "Well, it's been lovely to see you. I didn't expect such as enthusiastic reception, I must say!" He leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. "Night Lucy my love. Sleep well...both of you!"

Lucy grinned at his reference to the baby. "Good night Paul. See you tomorrow!"

Lucy made the short walk to Abbey Rd studios just after 11am. She was very nervous. Paul didn't like interruptions when he was working plus she was worried who else might be there. She walked tentatively up the front steps and spoke to the woman on reception. To her relief Paul had left details that she might call. She headed into the building and followed the signs to studio 2. She went in but stopped in the doorway puzzled. There was no one there! She called Paul's name a few times then shrugged, wondering whether he'd decided to go home earlier than planned. She turned to leave.


She looked and saw Paul waving to her from the control room.

"I'm working in here Lucy love. Come on up!"

She walked across the studio and climbed the steps. Paul greeted her warmly with a hug and offered her a seat.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm just mixing a few finished tracks."


"Yes, it means I can alter the balance and the volume of each individual instrument or voice. Get it to sound exactly as I want it."

"On your own?"

Paul grinned at her. "Yeah, it's not that hard to be honest Look." He showed her how the different sliders on the console altered the sound and speed of the track.

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