Chapter 11

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All the girls were in Alice's hospital room. After Alice reluctantly told them how she got cured, they were all pretty shocked. "You can't be serious!" Makoto exclaimed looking at both Alice and Aguri in shock. "You know I don't joke about this kind of thing Makoto." Aguri countered. Aguri looked over to Mana and Rikka, who both looked like they couldn't find the words to speak. "But why would one of the selfish trio gave Alice the cure?!" Makoto asked. "Maybe Alice thought she saw Ira, but it was someone else? She was pretty out of it after all." Mana guessed not believing what she just heard. "I'm right here you know!" Alice exclaimed though it came out as a weak whisper. "Sorry Alice." Rikka apologized looking slightly embarrassed. Alice just gave Rikka a small smile in response. "To answer your question Mana, I'm sure it was Ira. Who else has bat wings on his ears and can fly?" she said softly turning her head to look at her friend. "That doesn't explain why he would do it." Makoto retorted. "Your guess is as good as mine. Just because Ira gave me the cure doesn't mean I know why." Alice responded her voice even quieter than before. The pretty cures looked like they were going to ask more questions but were interrupted by Rikka. "Guys calm down. We can't expect Alice to know everything." she said looking surprisingly calm. "Remember this is a hospital and Alice is trying to recover. Stressing her out is only going to make her condition worse." Rikka stated before walking over to Alice's bedside. "Don't worry about this too much right now. Just get some rest okay." she softly whispered noticing just how exhausted her friend looked. "Okay..." Alice trailed off as she closed her eyes. Her steady breathing told Rikka she had fallen asleep. Rikka looked up and singled for everyone else to leave and followed close behind. "She sure picked a good time to fall asleep." Mana joked once they left the room and shut the door. Rikka rolled her eyes at her friend before saying. "As far as I know she hasn't slept in days. Alice needs the rest." "So what are we going to do now?" Aguri asked "About Ira I mean." "I don't think there is anything we can do. It's not like Ira tried to kill Alice and I don't think we should look for trouble." Mana stated showing more off her serious side. Makoto sighed before responding. "Fine. If that's what you think is best Mana."
A while later
Rikka walked into her house and headed for her room. It's just been one surprise after another lately. She thought before opening the door to her room. Looking around she saw Raquel sleeping on top of one of her pillows. Rikka walked over to a chair by her desk and let out a long sigh. "If this keeps up then I'll have a head full of gray hair by high school." she muttered before clearing a few papers off her desk. Then she noticed a sheet of paper taped on her desk. "What's this?" Rikka thought aloud, picking up the paper. A Note? She let her curiosity get the best of her and read the note.
If you want answers meet me at the beach tonight. I recommend you come alone, so we don't draw any unwanted attention.
Rikka read the note in disbelief. "Should I go? Even though Ira helped Alice this could still be a trap." she wondered aloud. She turned her head a looked over at Raquel. "Well at least if I take Raquel with me I won't be completely defenseless." With that in mind she made her choice. Rikka looked out her window and saw that the sun was already starting to set. "Oh crud! I'm going to be late!" she yelled getting off of her chair. Her scream woke Raquel up and he gave his partner a tired and confused look. "Rikka what's going on?" he asked drowsily. "No time to explain!" she exclaimed before grabbing the pixie and putting him in her little purse. Raquel let out a squeak of surprise as he was stuffed in. Rikka then ran down the stairs and out of the house going towards the beach.
The sun had almost completely set by the time Rikka got to the beach. Once she got there she began to walk along the shore. Raquel stuck his head out of the purse he had been stuffed into. "Rikka what are we doing here?" he asked looking up at Rikka slightly annoyed. "Ira sent me a note to meet him here-" "Wait, WHAT?! You're meeting Ira!" Raquel yelled cutting Rikka off. "Shhh! Not so loud! I don't want to give us any unwanted attention." "But why?" the little pixie asked. " I need answers and Ira just happened to give me the opportunity to have some." Rikka responded. "But what if this is a trap?" he asked his partner anxiously. "Well that's why I brought you. If something happens you can contact the others and help me transform." she stated. "So you actually came." The voice startled Rikka and had her turn around to see Ira in a small tree. "Yes I did. Now I have some questions you need to answer." she said her voice conveying no emotion. "Aw! Not even a hello?" Ira joked but just received a glare from Rikka in response. "Oh! You're no fun! Fine! Ask away." he said the bat wings on his ears starting to twitch. "All I want to know is,why?." Rikka asked staring at the young boy. "Why,what?" he teased enjoying the frustrated look on Rikka's face. "Stop fooling around Ira! You know exactly what I mean!" she yelled losing her temper. Ira let out a sigh before answering. "Look, I was just repaying a favor. You did save my life after all." Rikka was stunned to say the least. "I didn't think you..." "Cared? Well you don't know everything about me." he finished looking away from Rikka. "I can tell that you haven't told me everything." Rikka stated after pulling herself together. Ira faintly blushed though it was too dark for Rikka to see. "It doesn't matter I answered your questions, so now I'm leaving." he said quickly before teleporting away. Rikka just stood there for a few moments before whispering "What are you hiding?"
See I told you guys I would get this chapter out sooner! I hope this turned out okay because right now I am just praying that this chapter doesn't sound like a mess.

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