Chapter 4

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Alice started to wake up though she couldn't seem to open her eyes, she could still hear what was happening around her. "She's going to be okay right?" Alice heard who she thought was Rikka asking. What's going on? Alice thought confused. "We're doing everything we can but we don't know what's causing her to be so sick. Her fever is high enough for her body to be fighting off an infection but she doesn't have one. And while she could have been poisoned no one knows what could be poisoning her, much less how to treat it." someone who Alice thought was a woman said. "Are you saying Alice is going to die?" Makoto asked barely loud enough for Alice to hear, her voice quivering. "No, I wouldn't say that. But she's not doing well." the woman said. Alice slowly began to open her eyes. That's when the pain started to kick in. All of Alice's muscles ached, a wave of dizziness washed over her. Her body felt so cold but she could also feel the almost unbearable heat of her fever. Every time Alice tried to breathe, she felt herself struggling. I can barely move! What's wrong with me? Alice wanted to cry out those words but she could seem to get anything out of her mouth. Finally Alice was able to open her eyes fully. She saw a rather plain room with monitors beside her. Where am I?  Alice questioned. She looked around a little more to see Rikka, Aguri, Mana, and Makoto on the other side of the room talking to someone, who Alice recognized as Rikka's mother. Why is Rikka's mom here? Am I in a hospital? "G-guys" Alice was barely able to spurt the word out. Her friends turned towards her, eyes wide. Why are they looking at me like that? Alice wondered. The next thing she knew all her friends were right next to her. "Alice! We were all so worried about you!" Mana cried out. That's when Alice noticed there were tears in everyone's eyes. Were they crying?! Was I really that sick? Alice thought surprised. "Why didn't you tell us anything? We could've let you rest until you felt better!" Aguri practically yelled. While her voice didn't give anything away, but Alice could see the fear and concern in her eyes. "I didn't want anyone to worry about me." Alice croaked. That made Aguri crack as tears began to form in her eyes. She looked away from Alice and began to cry. Alice wanted to comfort her friend but she could barely speak. So instead she managed to put her hand onto Aguri's. Aguri stopped crying and looked at Alice for a moment unable to say anything. Alice then a gave her a smile. Don't worry I'll be okay. As if reading her mind Aguri just smiled softly and nodded. All of a sudden Alice felt her chest tighten and she started finding it even harder to breath. She started to hyperventilate. "Someone get her a ventilator!" Rikka's mother yelled. "Alice are you okay?!" Alice was barely able to hear Rikka's question. A wave of exhaustion seemed hit her. Then everything went black. "Alice!"
For anyone who doesn't know what a ventilator is, it's a machine that helps a patient in a hospital to breathe. The ventilator can help with breathing or totally breathe for the patient. It also helps the body rest and heal. To anyone asking "Why is Rikka's mom here?" It's because she's a doctor. So why not add her in. Also this chapter is kind of a filler but who cares! I got it done!

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