Chapter 6

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To say that things were bad was an understatement. The Jikochuu was beating the pretty cures to a pulp. Cure Ace and Cure Sword were barely able to hold it off until Cure Diamond and Cure Heart came. While they were fairing off better than before the whole group was here. (Well ALMOST the whole group.) The situation still was a disaster. "How long are we going to have to keep this up?!" Cure Diamond yelled trying to avoid the Jikochuu's attack. "Until this Jikochuu is defeated!" Cure Ace yelled back. But to tell the truth Cure Ace knew they couldn't keep this up forever. Sooner or later they will tire out from dodging the Jikochuu's attacks. "Let's hope that'll be soon." Cure Sword said right next to Cure Diamond. The Jikochuu fired an attack heading right for Cure Diamond and Cure Sword, but the girls were too exhausted to notice. "Sword, Diamond look out!" Cure Heart warned the 2 pretty cures. But it was too late, the attack hit both the girls with a direct hit, making them have a hard hit on the ground. "Are you 2 okay?!" Cure Ace yelled in fear and concern. Please be okay. Not after Alice she thought. "Ugh. Define okay." Cure Diamond said as she slowly got up. "We're in good condition seeing as we just got slammed into the ground." said Cure Sword slowly getting up. "If only Alice were here. Her barrier would be able to block the Jikochuu's attacks, so we could get a hit on it." Cure Heart said while barely dodging an attack. "You still haven't figured it out have you." Bel said darkly grabbing the girls attention. "What do you mean?" Cure Ace asked Bel, her voice spitting venom. "About your friend's condition of course." Bel answered his voice conveying no emotion. "Why does this have anything to do with her?" Cure Sword yelled not believing him. Only Cure Diamond seemed to comprehend what he was telling them. Her eyes widened and let out a horrified gasp before covering her mouth. "Looks like someone's figured it out. Well done" Bel said mockingly at the blue haired pretty cure. "Rikka what's he talking about?" Cure Heart asked startled by how horrified her friend seemed to be. Cure Diamond opened her mouth to speak but she was interrupted by Bel. "Do you really think it was a coincidence when you're friend got hit by that needle and not long after that she got really sick? That the doctors have no idea how to cure her. That every day she keeps getting worse and worse." Bel said with a wicked smile on his face. "You-you poisoned her on that day!" Cure Diamond finally spoke up, mentally cursing herself for not being able to keep her voice steady. "Give the little girl a prize! Although I am surprised she's lasted this long. Most people would've already died by now. Though it's won't be long until she does." Bel mockingly said. "As much as I love our little chat I think that it's time for me to finish you all off." The Jikochuu fired an attack at the girls who were in too much shock to avoid it. Cure Diamond closed her eyes and waited for the attack to come, but it never came. She slowly opened her eyes to see someone she didn't think she would see. "Alice!"
Cure Rosetta was holding her barrier right in front of the girls, blocking the Jikochuu's attack. But the Jikochuu just kept repeatedly using the attack, having Cure Rosetta struggling to keep the barrier up. "What? How? You shouldn't even be conscious right now." Bel yelled clearly angered. "No... matter... how... beat up... I am... if my... friends... are in... danger... then nothing... can keep... me from... protecting... them!" Cure Rosetta barely spat out, but her voice sounded full of determination. "Lets see if you're determination can get you out of this!" Bel yelled casting one of his attacks on her barrier. While it didn't break the barrier Cure Rosetta screamed in pain feeling like the life was being drained out of her. "This is bad if she keeps this up she'll use up all of her life force!" Cure Ace shouted. "Alice, stop! This is too much for you!" Cure Sword shouted. She had already lost so much, and she didn't what to lose Alice too. "Y-you... need... to... attack.... the.... Jikochuu!" Cure Rosetta yelled as if she didn't hear her friend's plea. "But Alice-" Cure Heart tried to reason with her but was cut off. "I'll... be able... to hold... them... off... so go... purify... the... Jikochuu... while... it's distracted!" Cure Rosetta shouted, sounding weaker. "Diamond Shower!" Cure Diamond yelled hitting the Jikochuu. "Come on Cure Rosetta has done her part, it's time we do ours." "Sparkle Sword!" "Ace shot!" "Heart shoot!" the others others yell. The attacks hit the Jikochuu purifying it. "You might have won this time but next time will be different!" Bel threatened before disappearing.
The place started turning back to normal as of the attack hadn't even happened. The girls turned back into their normal selfs. "Alice?" Rikka said turning towards her. Alice didn't respond. She felt too drained to. Right now all she wanted to do was sleep. I think I'm gonna rest for awhile. Alice thought before her body started collapsing and going unconscious. Right before she hit the ground Makoto caught her at the last minute. Suddenly all of the color seemed to drain from her face. Her eyes were wide with horror. "Makoto?! What's wrong?!" Mana asked startled by how horrified her friend looked. Makoto looked at the others and spoke so quietly that everyone had to strain their ears to hear. "I-I, I can't feel a pulse!"
Dun Dun Daw! Cliffhanger I'm so evil. Sorry it took me a few days to get the chapter done you guys but I needed to figure out what I was going to write. So what do you think will happen. Leave your comments down below.

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