"How's it hanging?"

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Frank's POV

There was no light at the end of the tunnel for us. Only the dimmest rays of light could be seen, the Argo II like a single firefly in a forest of darkness. I slowed only for a moment, taking the form of a giant eagle and soaring towards the ship. The others slowed as the darkness came closer but I didn't dare to pause.

Straining, I focused on my back where Nico lay. I couldn't let him fall off or get hurt... Hazel would kill me. So, I focused on remembering the giant eagles from Camp Jupiter and their strong, powerful wings. I could feel the feathery texture slowly taking over the horse fur as the wings erupted from my sides... my face sprout the same feathers as a beak formed in the lowest part of my eyesight...

And then I sneezed, a feather sprouting to close to my massive bird-nostrils. Behind me, I could hear Nico's groan as he stirred and the weight on my back shifted, almost falling off. Further away still, I could hear Piper shouting in panic as weapons were drawn. We were running out of time.

Determination filled me from my, uh, hooves to my core and spread my wings, the wind catching beneath me as I powered towards the Argo II. There were shouts of surprise as I approached, some drawing weapons when they saw my bizarre appearance; within them I could hear Hazel cry out, "No, stop! That's Frank! He's got Nico!"

That's my girl, the thought ran through by head, filling me with pride as I soared onto the deck. Hazel threw her arms around my still-animal neck as Jason used the winds to gently carry Nico off of my back. We embraced for a short moment before my sharp animal ears detected the sounds of shouting and jeering from down below.

They were in trouble.

They needed me.

And off I went, wings out stretched as I flew back into the midst of another battle. Adrenaline filled me as I looked for the three of them, at first only seeing one. I had my front claws extended as Percy Jackson came into view, but he spotted me first, shooting up into the sky on a pillar of ice and landing on my back. I felt my tail swish in agitation.

He leaned forward and pointed into a hoard of monsters, where I could see a faint ring of clear ground with two very familiar shapes in the centre of it, "They're over there... see if you can catch them with your claws whilst I distract the monsters."

Suddenly, six more pillars rose up from the ground, shattering over large swarms of monsters, shards of ice spraying everywhere and causing several more eruptions – of golden dust. Percy whooped as we dived to the ground and snatched up Piper and Annabeth, but he wasn't the only laughing when he leaned over and asked the daughter of Athena, "How's it hanging?"

Picture is what Frank looks like because I couldn't work out how to fit in 'he looked like a fricking Hippogriff' into the chapter.

Percy Jackson: Survival In The Land Beyond The GodsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin