Chapter 2|A Month Later

Start from the beginning


“I really wish I can read books right now,” Levy whined.

“Shut up, shrimp. I just want to eat,” her boyfriend replied.

“Hmph. Meanie.”

Gajeel and Levy walked until they reached a town.

“This place should have food,” Gajeel said.

“What if they already turned bad?” Levy asked.

“Canned foods probably haven't. I mean, that's what The Walking Dead game said. Well they didn't say, but they eat a lot of canned food, so--”

“I get it, Gajeel.”


“Are you even sure this friend of yours is still alive? It's been a month!” Jellal said.

“I know she is alive. And how many times must I tell you? Her name is Erza!” Kagura shouted.

“Now that I think about it, you never told us her last name,” Ultear said.

“That's not important right now. Right now, what's important is, we find Erza,” Kagura replied.

“Why don't you want to tell?” Meredy asked.

“I told you. That's not important,” Kagura replied. Meredy sighed.

“Can you tell us what she's like?” Wendy asked.

“Alright. Hmm, where should I start? Oh! Her hair! She has the most gorgeous hair! She has red hair-- You know what? Screw that. Just look at her photo in my pocket,” Kagura said, pulling the picture out.

“She's beautiful!” Wendy said.

“Juvia can't wait to meet her!”

“I can already picture it. Jellal and Erza,” Meredy said, looking up in the sky.

“Meredy, you're crazy,” Ultear said.

“Her hair looks more like scarlet,” Jellal.

“Someone fell in love at first sight,” Meredy snickered.

“Yeah. Well, if you even try to hit on her, she won't fall for you. She broke up with my brother a month and a week ago,” Kagura said.

“Not interested anyway,” Jellal replied.

“Why did they break up?” Juvia asked.

“He cheated on her with her enemy,” Kagura replied.

“Damn,” Meredy commented.

“It's a shame. He lost the most wonderful girl in the world,” Kagura added.

“Tell us about her personalities!” Ultear said, feeling excited to know more about this girl.

“She's kind and caring, but can be scary. Most of the people I know are afraid of her. She knows Tae Kwan Doe, Karate, Kung Fu, and other martial arts. She and I learned sword fighting and a few martial arts together. She can be quite aggressive, but at times, she can be gentle and cheerful. She protects her friends like her life depends on them. And this might be a little weird, but she is obsessed with strawberry cheesecake. She's fun to be around with,” Kagura told. She looked down when she said the last sentence.

“Juvia really wants to meet her!”

If he's still alive,” Jellal said, ruining the mood. Ultear smacked his head.

“Ultear-San? Our food is almost finish,” Juvia said.

“Jellal and I’ll have to steal from a store again,” Ultear replied.

“How do you guys even know how to steal and avoid the zombies?” Wendy asked.

“When Ultear and I were small, we may or may have not stolen some candy and other things,” Jellal replied. "Shoplifting is so easy."


“I hate life. I hope you're okay, Kagura,” Erza said to herself. “Ugh. Where are you!” she shouted.

“Um, excuse me? Are you okay?” she heard a man asked.

“Who's there?” Pulling out her sword to point it at the strangers. There were two of them. The same guys that Sting, Gray, and Lucy saw.

“Chill, woman. You remind me of my elementary classmate,” the pink haired man said.

“Manners, Natsu!” the black haired man smacked his head.

“Ack! Sorry! Yeesh!” Natsu replied, rubbing his head.

“What's your name?” Erza asked the black haired man.

“Zeref. I would tell you my last name, but we shouldn't trust people much these days. This is my brother, Natsu,” he said, elbowing his brother.

“You?” Natsu asked.

“Erza,” she answered. “Now may I continue my journey?” she asked.

“Uh, well--” she cut them off.

“Goodbye.” She turned around.

“U-uh, wait! Miss! Um, Erza!” Zeref called.

“What is it?“ she turned back.

“Uh, well. . . We kinda got lost in this town a few days ago,” Zeref told.

“And what do mean by journey? Are you some kind of Hunter or something? I mean, you have a sword with you, which I hope you won't chop my head off with it,” Natsu said.

Zeref rolled his eyes at Natsu. “We're hoping that you could help us. We're in need of food.”

“Yeah? Well, I don't sell food,” Erza replied and turned around.

“Man, she's salty,” Natsu whispered to his brother. Zeref replied to him, by elbowing him. “Ack!”

“We know the place to get food, but um, there's a lot of those things ther--” Natsu cut his brother off.

“I told you. They are called zombies!”

“Ugh. As I was saying, there's a lot of. . . “zombies”  there, and it seems that you have a sword and we only have bats. We just need your help to cover us. It's fine if you don't want to. We under--” Erza cut him off.

“Where's the place?” Erza would disagree, because she didn't trust them, but she, herself, was hungry, so she had to.

“Thank you,” Zeref said.

“You shouldn't be too nice and polite. She could be plotting to take all the food, once we're there,” Natsu whispered to Zeref.

“I'm not that kinda person,” Erza said.

I told you this was short.

I'm think of changing my “number of words” goal from 2000+ to 1000+, just because. I may not, tho.

I made the Gale part short, because I was out of ideas and I was hungry, so um, yeah. (I say “so um, yeah” a lot.)

1309 WORDS


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