Chapter Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

Jun: Shit...! This is bad. (murmurs)
Valerie: My magic might have been cut in half but it'll be more than enough for someone like you.

Just before anything else could happen, Nia's voice catch the attention of the two as she shouts her lungs out.

Nia: D-DONT' STOP!!! JUN!!!

Both Jun and Valerie turns to Nia, who was conscious now.

Jun: Nia...She's awake...
Valerie: Oh? It seems you're regained consciousness, Master Nia. No, you're a former Master now.
Jun: What? Former? (looks at Valerie)
Valerie: Not too long ago, I received word that Nia's Servant has died in the hands of Dianna, my Servant.
Jun: Shit...(murmurs)
Nia: No! You're wrong!
Valerie: What? (looks at Nia)
Nia: Kuro is still alive! He's not beaten yet! That's why, you don't need to stop Jun! Trust me continue absorbing mana!

Nia's eyes were full of confidence and it was more than enough for Jun to believe in her words. He nods his head as a reply and continues turning the slime into mana. Valerie briefly shows an annoyed expression but quickly reverts back to normal. She points at Jun as the black arms inches closer.

Valerie: Enough of this. Time for you to die, Master Jun.

The black arms all reach for Jun at the same time. Just when he was about to get crushed, an invisible force slice the arms to pieces and burst into smoke before disappearing. Valerie and even Jun was surprised by this. After a moment, a transparent image of Kuro materialize behind Jun, who was floating a couple of feet in the air.

Jun: It' at Kuro)

Valerie comes closer to Nia and tightly grabs her by the jaw.

Valerie: What the hell is going on?
Nia: It's Kuro's N-Noble Phantasm. It....It activates when he dies....
Valerie: What?
Nia: Hand of the Reaper. Kuro will...fulfill his duty as my the v-very end...! He'll do everything he ruin your plans...!
Valerie: Stubborn brat.

Despite her poker face, it was obvious that Valerie was furious as she painfully slaps Nia. It was so strong that she instantly bleeds a little from the mouth.

Jun: No! Stop that! Don't you dare hurt her!
Valerie: It seems that things aren't going according as planned. I must stop you, now.

Several new black arms burst from the ground and goes for Jun. A scythe appears on Kuro's hand and quickly defends Jun from the incoming attacks as he continues draining the slime from it's mana.

Jun: Just hold on a little more...! I'm almost...done...!

Kuro doesn't say anything but nods as a reply.

Valerie: You fools. Don't think I'm going to let you have your way. (eyes glow)

More black arms appear and joins the others. Little by little, the arms were starting to get closer to Jun as Kuro was doing his best protecting him.

Jun: Just...a little...more!!

Suddenly, one of the arm finds an opening and knocks Kuro several feet in the air. With him out of the way, the arms now turn their attention to Jun. A worried Nia could only look on.

Nia: J-Jun....!
Valerie: You're finished, Jun.

Just before the arms could get a hold of Jun, he completes his task of turning the slime into mana. As he did, his body emits a bright light that repels his attackers away before they burst into black smoke and disappears. Even Valerie was blinded for a moment as she place an arm over her face to block the light.

Valerie: Damn it. I was too late...(murmurs)

Jun could feel the vast amount of mana flowing within his body. With this much in him, he place a hand in the air and plans on doing what he said earlier.

Jun: I summon you....QUEEN!!! (eyes glow)

A burst of blue mana particles shoots out from Jun's body as it creates powerful shock waves that travels in all directions. Even Valerie had to stand her ground so that she wouldn't be blown away by it. In the midst of the chaos, a human-like figure slowly materialize in front of Jun. Moments later, a suit of armor fully appears. It's appearance was similar to that of a Pawn but it had a more feminine physique and the color of her armor was light pink. In her hand was a Rapier type sword.

Jun: I did it. I summoned...the Queen.

The Queen turns to Jun before kneeling on one knee. To his surprise, he hears a woman's voice speaking to him in his head.

Woman's Voice: Master, I have heard your summon and I am now before you.
Jun: W-What the...? Someone's talking in my head? Telepathy? Is this you, Queen?

The Queen gets on her feet and proudly stands before her master. She was a couple of feet taller than him. The two continues their conversation through telepathy.

Queen's Voice: Yes, Master. It is I, your Queen.
Jun: I can't believe that I did it. But this is amazing. You can actually speak.
Queen's Voice: Indeed. Now, Master. Your orders?

Jun looks at Valerie and then points at her. The Queen and Valerie then meets eye contact.

Jun: Keep her occupied. If possible, eliminate her. While you do that, I'll rescue that white haired girl.
Queen's Voice: Understood, Master.

Without warning, the Queen dashes toward Valerie with great speed. She swings her sword at her but at the last second, a black transparent sphere appears around Valerie and blocks the attack. The Queen takes a step back but notice that Valerie's shield had a small crack on it. Valerie sees this too.

Valerie: What great strength. She cracked my sphere with one hit. (thinks to self)

The Queen talks to Valerie through telepathy as well. Valerie expected this much so it didn't caught her by surprise at all.

Queen's Voice: So, you're Valerie.
Valerie: You've heard of me?
Queen's Voice: Even before my Master summoned me, I've known everything. Whatever my children sees or hear, I do too.
Valerie: I see.
Queen's Voice: And despite this being our first encounter, you're not the first member of the Calvet family I've faced.

Valerie raise an eyebrow and seems to be curious of what the Queen just said.

Valerie: What did you say?
Queen's Voice: Nothing. This isn't time for talking. I have to finish you off since that what I was ordered to do.

The Queen goes into an offensive stance and prepares to launch another attack. Valerie stares at her opponent while emitting a black aura before several new black arms burst from the ground behind her, all aiming at the Queen.

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