Chapter Five

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Back in the present. Jun was still meditating in the backyard of his house. Sitting in front of him was his Servant, Zerra. While she was watching her Master, she notice that his body was starting to emit an aura. As this was happening, she notice that Jun was making an uncomfortable expression on his face.

Zerra: Jun, what's wrong?

Jun doesn't answer immediately and takes him five seconds to do so. He stops meditating and starts breathing heavily. Zerra comes closer and pats him on the back.

Zerra: Are you alright? What happened?
Jun: D-Don't know. I think...I produced more magic that expected. My body couldn't handle it.
Zerra: Jeez, you're so reckless. Erica said not to overdo it. Your body is still isn't used to magic.
Jun: That's to be expected since I have never practiced magic in my life.
Zerra: But it's nice to see that you're improving. You managed to summon more than three Pawns during that convenience store incident.
Jun: Yeah, I know.

Jun takes out a small book from his pocket. Zerra curiously stares at it.

Jun: I'm glad my mom gave this to me. Since I'll be joining the War, she said that this could protect me.
Zerra: You mentioned that this used to belong to your great-great grand father.
Jun: Yeah. During that time, my family was still practicing magic.
Zerra: What do you know about it?
Jun: All my mom told me that its a book that summons familiars that aids the caster in battle. But that's all the she knew. She said that I should read it's contents if I want to learn more.
Zerra: And?
Jun: This book holds 16 demons in it. These demons each represents the pieces of Chess.
Zerra: Chess? Now that you mentioned it, when you summoned those things, you said that it's name was Pawn.
Jun: That's right. Other than the eight Pawns, there are also two Knights, two Rooks, two Bishops, one Queen and one King. However, as of now, I can only manage to summon the Pawns.
Zerra: Why?
Jun: In order to summon the other pieces, I have to train my body more. More specifically, I need to produce more mana so my body doesn't self-destruct.
Zerra: Is that why you're meditating at least once a day?
Jun: Yeah. Mom said that meditating is the easiest way to generate mana.
Zerra: Don't worry. I'm sure in time you'll be able to summon all of them.
Jun: I'm not so sure about that.
Zerra: What do you mean?

Jun flips several pages of the book. He stops at one page where it had a picture of black suit of armor with a sword in both hands. Next to it was also the same suit of armor but had a more feminine shape, indicating that it was for woman. In it's hand where two swords.

Jun: The King and Queen. The two most powerful pieces.
Zerra: What about them?
Jun: Mom said that she had no doubts about me summoning the pieces if I practice hard enough. She was more worried about these two specifically. She said that if possible, I shouldn't summon them.
Zerra: Huh? Why ever not?
Jun: She was afraid that I might not handle it. These two are special. Unlike the rest, these two can't be summoned unless they want to.
Zerra: What? You mean they have a will of their own?
Jun: Yes. If they don't see me fitting as their Master, they won't lend their strength.
Zerra: I see. So training isn't enough.
Jun: The problem is that this book doesn't mention anything about how to win them over. My mom doesn't have a clue either.
Zerra: I guess you'll just have to find out yourself, huh?
Jun: Yeah.

Jun place the book back in his pocket. He then lies his back on the ground as he stares at the sky.

Jun: That's enough meditating for today. Man, am I beat.Sigh.
Zerra: Do you want something to eat?
Jun: Nah. I'll just wait until lunch.
Zerra: In that case, what do you want for lunch?
Jun: What? You cook?
Zerra: That's right. Erica thought me how to.

Jun suspiciously stares at Zerra. She blushes a little.

Zerra: W-What is it?
Jun: I never thought you were the kind to even cook.
Zerra: How rude! What, is it weird for a Servant to learn how to cook?
Jun: Honestly, yes.

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