Chapter Three

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Jun slowly regains consciousness. He was on the floor in the middle of a different room. He was about to move when he realize that both his feet and hands were still tied by a rope. His entire body was still in pain from earlier. While he was lying there, the same man from before enters the room. With him were several other people wearing robes with hoods that cover their faces. The man kneels down in front of Jun with the rest forms a large circle around them.

Man: What bad luck you have. You woke up right before we could begin. If you were still unconscious, at least you wouldn't feel the pain of what's going to happen to you.

Jun replies with a weak voice. He was in so much pain that he could barely talk straight.

Jun: W-Why are you doing t-this...? Who the hell are you people...?
Man: Let's just say we're a group that wants to change the world. And you're a tool that's going to help us make that happen.
Jun: W-What...?

The man stands up and gestures one of the hooded men to hand over something. The robed person goes to the man and gives him a glass bottle. Despite his position, Jun manage to get a glimpse of the item. Inside he sees a red feather.

Jun: A....feather?(thinks to self)

Once the bottle was handed over, the robed man returns to the others.

Jun: What's that...?(looks at man)
Man: You really don't know anything?
Jun: I have no idea...what you're talking about...(coughs)
Man: Tell me boy. Have you heard of the...Holy Grail War?

Hearing that, Jun's expression turns serious. The man sees this change and smiles in an evil way.

Man: Looks like you understand the situation.
Jun: That has nothing to do with me! Our ancestors were the ones who were practicing magic....But that's not the case of my generation. We abandoned the art of magic and are now living a normal life...(coughs)
Man: True but the blood of your ancestor still runs through yours. Even if you can't use magic, there's still traces of mana within you. And that's the key to our victory.
Jun: What are you even planning?
Man: You see, my boss will be participating in the War and he ordered me to summon him a powerful Servant. And in order to do that, a sacrifice must be made.
Jun: What...?

The man stares at the feather inside the glass bottle with excitement.

Man: With this rare feather as a catalyst and your soul, we will no doubt summon the most powerful Servant!
Jun: I-I....don't care what happens to me. Just...leave my family out of this...
Man: Oh, right. I forgot to mention. Your parents are already involved. Although your mother is safe, your old man is dead.

Jun's eyes turn blank for a moment. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Man: He was resisting us and was talking about "saving" you. We got annoyed and simply killed him. I was hoping that your mother would also start resisting but after seeing her husband get killed in front of her, she went quiet. She might broke or something.

Jun couldn't take it anymore. Despite being tied up, he manage to get on his knees and glares angrily at the man.

Jun: I'm...going to kill you....!

The man mockingly laughs at Jun before punching him once again on the face. He goes down to the floor with blood dripping from his mouth.

Man: Now just stay down and enjoy the last moments of your life.

He place the bottle on the floor near Jun. A couple of his followers then start to draw a magic circle using a red liquid that they had stored in a small jar. They used their hands in order to draw the circle around Jun. Jun sees what they were doing and upon closer look, the liquid seem to be blood. After several minutes, they were done. The man proudly gaze upon their creation.

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